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Showing posts from October, 2021

Attendance at Offices for government employees

Attendance at Offices for government employees (West Bengal)   GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Finance Department Audit Branch No. : 6994-F Kolkata, the 3rd July, 1992 MEMORANDUM Orders have been issued from time to time regarding punctuality in attendance of Government employees. In Finance Department No. 6470-F dated 28/05/87 it has been clearly stated that any employee coming more than 15 minutes after the scheduled time of attendance will be marked late. It has also been stated in the said memo that an employee may be allowed to sign the attendance register and record attendance within a maximum of 1 1/2 hours of the scheduled time of attendance. Any body coming thereafter will be marked absent. 1. In terms Notification No. 6959-F, Dt. 02/07/92 all offices under the Government of West Bengal with some exceptions shall remain closed on all Saturday and the hours of work (on working days) in such offices shall be from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. with an interval of 30 minutes from 1.30 p.m. t...

General Provident Fund Rules

 General Provident Fund Rules GENERAL PROVIDENT FUND General Provident Fund of the employees of the Government of West Bengal is maintained as per Provisions laid down in "The General Provident Fund (West Bengal Services) Rules". Different provisions of the said Rules are stated below: 1.Opening of the GPF A/c Each regular Govt. employee has to subscribe to the GPF compulsorily after completion of one year of service. For opening of GPF A/c. each Government employee has to apply in prescribed form. In case of Group-D employees the account is opened by head of Office immediately after completion of one year service of such employees. For Group-A, B and C employees such account is opened by Accountant General, West Bengal and the application for opening of such account has to be sent to Accountant General, West Bengal. 2.Maintenance of GPF Account: The account is maintained by Accountant General, West Bengal for Group-A, B and C employees. For Group-D employees such account is ...

Purchase policy for Government Offices

Purchase policy for Government Offices in West Bengal   Government of West Bengal Finance Department Audit Branch Writers' Buildings         No.10500-F                                                         Dated, Kolkata, the 19th November, 2004. N O T I F I C A T I O N     In exercise of the power conferred by Clause (3) of Article 166 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following amendments in the West Bengal Financial Rules, Volume-I, as subsequently amended (hereinafter referred to as the said Rules), namely:- AMENDMENTS – C.S. NO. 106 in the said Rules, -  (1) for Rule 47, substitute the following Rule:- 47. (1) No contract shall be made by a subordinate authority which has not been directed or authorised to do so by or under the orders of the Governor...