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 সূচীপত্র Content

Service Rules

West Bengal Service Rules (Part 1)

West Bengal Service Rules ( Part 2)

West Bengal Services (Duties, Rights and Obligations of the Government employees) Rules, 1980

Easy understanding of West Bengal Service Rules (WBSR)

Obligation to stay at headquarters

Attendance at Offices for government employees

West Bengal Services (Duty, rights and obligations)

Declaration of assets

সরকারী কর্মচারীদের বিদেশ ভ্রমনের শর্তাবলী

Foreign Tour

Guide lines for passport

ROPA 2009

Revisions and Allowances in brief

সরকারী কর্মচারীরা কী ধর্মঘট করতে পারে?

ক্রিমিনাল কেস থাকলে কী কোনো ব্যক্তি সরকারী চাকরীতে যোগ দিতে পারে

Office Procedure for Government of West Bengal and Financial Rules

Public servant

Corruption and consequences

Departmental Inquires

Dismissal, Removal and Suspension

Seniority Rules

Purchase policy for Government Offices

NoC for examination

50 Point roster

Medical Fitness during recruitment



General Provident Fund জি পি এফ

General Provident Fund Rules

কীভাবে আপনার মোবাইলে জিপিএফ স্টেটমেন্ট ডাউনলোড করবেন

Group Insurance scheme জি আই এস

GIS Rules

Annual increment

সারভিস বুক

কীভাবে আপনার মোবাইলে Pay slip Download করবেন?

নাম বা পদবির পরিবর্তনের পদ্ধতি

Cashier and cashbook

Structure of Government account


Leave can not be claimed as of right

🔥👉 ছুটীর নিয়ম (Leave Rules)

Half pay leave and Commuted Leave

Calculation of Half pay leave

Cashier and cashbook

Quarantine Leave

Maternity Leave

Paternity leave

Casual leave

Study Leave


Death-cum-retire benefit rules

Employment of dependents of Government employee while in service

Married daughter eligible for job on compassionate ground

Death cum retirement handbook of circulars

Pension to unmarried daughter

Eligibility of divorced/widowed daughter for family pension beyond 25 years of age till their remarriage/death.

Share of pension payable to the widow-amendment in DCRB Rule

Raising the age limit of minor child for family pension

Family pension for the Government employee who die in harness before completion of one year of service

West Bengal Scheme for Compassionate Appointment, 2013

ATM / Debit card facility for the pensioners


জমির পরিমাপের বিভিন্ন একক

কোভিড + থেকে স্বভাবিক জীবন

Circulars during the Covid third wave

Conditions for construction in rural areas

State vs Government employee (DA order)

DA order by Hon'ble High Court,Calcutta

West Bengal Secretariat Manual, 2019

Recruitment in District Court of Birbhum


Scheme for voluntary retirement for the state government employees

Introduction of new functionalities in HRMS

Rate of subscription of West Bengal Police Welfare and Sports society ( January'22 to June'22)

No. 6112 F (P2) dated 09.11.2023 List of Public holidays 2024 under NI Act

Uniform allowance for WBP

Health Scheme


Students' DCF (Data Capture Format)


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West Bengal Services (Duties, Rights and Obligations of the Government employees) Rules, 1980

  West Bengal Services (Duties, Rights and Obligations of the Government employees) Rules, 1980 1. Short title, application and commencement (1) These rules may be called the West Bengal Services (Duties, Rights and Obligations of the Government employees) Rules, 1980. (2) They shall apply to all employees at die Goverment of West Bengal: Provided that nothing in these rules shall apply to persons appointed to any All India Service and members of the Police, and Jail Staff falling under the purview of the Jail Code. (3) They shall be deemed to have come into force with effect from the 1st, day of June, 1980. 2. Definitions In these rules, unless there is anything contrary to the context.- (a) ”appointing authority” in relation to a Government employee, means the authority empowered to make appointment to the service or post held by him for the time being: (b) ”Government” means the Government of West Bengal; (c) ”Govemment employee” means a person appointed to a service or post in conn

Leave rules

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