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Share of pension payable to the widow

Share of pension payable to the widow-amendment in DCRB Rule

Government of West Bengal 

Finance Department

 Audit Branch: Pension Cell

"Hemanta Bhawan" (Top Floor) 

12,B.B.D. Baq(East).Calcutta-1

No.54-F(Pen)    Dated,Calcutta, the 13" January,1997.


In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make, with immediate effect, the following amendment in the West Bengal Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) rules, 1971, as subsequently amended (hereinafter referred to as the said rules)-


 In the said rules, for the Note below rule 104, substitute the following Note: "Note-(i) (a) Where the family pension is payable to more widows than one, the family pension shall be paid to the widows in equal shares.

(b) On the death of a widow, her share of the family pension shall become payable to her eligible child:

Provided that if the widow is not survived by any child, her share of the family pension shall not lapse but shall be payable to the other widows in equal shares, or if there is only one such other widow, in full, to her.

 (ii) Where the deceased Government servant or pensioner is survived by a widow but has left behind eligible child or children by another wife who is not alive, the eligible child or children shall be entitled to the share of the family pension which the mother would have received if she had been alive at the time of the death of the Government servant or pensioner :

               Provided that on the share or shares of the family pension payable to such child or children or to a widow or widows ceasing to be payable, such share or shares shall not lapse but shall be payable to the other widow or widows and/or to the other child or children otherwise eligible, in equal shares, or if there is only on widow or child, in full, to such widow or child.

 (iii)          Where the deceased Government servant or pensioner is survived by a widow but has left behind eligible child or children by other wife or wives since divorced, the eligible child or children shall be entitled to the share of the family pension which the mother would have received at the time of the death of the Government servant or pensioner had she not been divorced :

Provided that on the share or shares of the family pension payable to such child or children or to a widow or widows ceasing to be payable, such share or shares shall not lapse but shall be payable to the other widow or widows and/or to the other child or children otherwise eligible, in equal share, or if there is only one widow or child, in full, to such widow or child.

(iv) Where the family pension is payable to twin children, it shall be paid to such children in equal shares :

Provided that when one of such children ceases to be eligible, his/her share shall revert to the other child, and when both of them cease to be eligible for the family pension, the family pension shall be payable to the next eligible single child/twin children.

By order of the Governor

Sd/-S.K. Chaturvedi

Government of West Bengal.


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