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Service Book

Service Book


A service book must be maintained for every whole time government employee other than those who are employed casually or daily wage basis in such a format provided by Auditor General.

সার্ভিস বুক হলো এমন একটি রেকর্ড যেখানে একটি সরকারি কর্মচারীর কর্মজীবনের সমস্ত কার্যকলাপ লিপিবদ্ধ থাকে ৷সার্ভিস বুক সার্ভিস বুক প্রতিটি কর্মচারী ক্ষেত্রে অবশ্যই মেন্টেন করতে হবে যদি না তিনি অস্থায়ী বা দৈনিক মজুরি ভিত্তিতে কাজ করেন ৷

A duplicate service book shall also be maintained for each Government employees from the date of his first appointment to the government service. One copy of the service book shall be kept in the custody of head office. This copy of service book shall be sent from of office to office his posting.

 সার্ভিস বইয়ের একটি কপি সংশ্লিষ্ট সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মচারীর হেড অফিসে  থাকবে ও ডুবলিকেট কপিটি কর্মচারীর কাছে থাকবে

For offices of the West Bengal civil service( executive) and the the West Bengal police service the service book will be maintained Centrally by the Home( personal and administrative reforms )   department.

Every step of Government employees service life must be recorded in his service book and all search entries must be attested by the head of his office. 

সার্ভিস বুকের সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মচারীদের চাকরি জীবনের প্রতিটি জিনিস লিপিবদ্ধ থাকবে ও প্রতিটি লিপিবদ্ধ সংশ্লিষ্ট অফ হেড অফিস দ্বারা প্রত্যায়িত করা হবে

Service book should be verified by the head office or other offices as may be specified at a fixed time early  in the year with the following certificate and signature:

"Service verified up to( date) from( the records from which the verification is made)" 

সার্ভিস বুক বছর একটা নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে ভেরিফাইড করা হবে ওটাতে নির্দিষ্ট একটি নোট দেওয়া থাকবে

The entries in the copy of service book which will remain in personal custody of government employee will be made up to date at least once a year and also when a government employee is transferred under proper attestation by the head of the office or by any other officer authorised by the head  of office.

কর্মচারীর কাছে যে ডুব্লিকেট সার্ভিসটি থাকবে তা বছরে একবার আপটুডেট ও সংশ্লিষ্ট অফিস কর্তৃক প্রত্যয়ীতো করা হবে

No addition,alteration or overwriting in the entries made in in any copy of the service book will be accepted as authentic unless the same is attested by the competent authority. 

কোন প্রকার অতিরিক্ত সংযোজন বা ওভাররাইটিং গ্রহণযোগ্য হবে না যতক্ষণ না সেটি উপযুক্ত অথরিটি দ্বারা অ্যাটেস্টেড বা প্রত্যায়িত করা হচ্ছে

In addition to English the service book will be made in Bengali or in Nepali (for the Nepalese speaking Government employees.) 

ইংরেজি সঙ্গে অতিরিক্ত ভাষা হিসেবে বাংলা ও নেপালী ভাষায় (নেপালী ভাষা ভাষী দের ক্ষেত্রে )লিপিবদ্ধ করতে হবে।

It is duty of every head office to show the service book to Government employees under his administrative control every year and to obtain his signature they are in as such having inspected the service book. The government employees shalll inter alia  ensure before affixing their signature that their services have been duly verified and certified as such.

এটা প্রতিটি কর্মচারীর হেড অফ অফিসের দায়িত্ব সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মচারীকে সার্ভিস বুক দেখানো ও ভেরিফারেড লেখার পরে সহি সংগ্রহ করা |

All the necessary entries of group a group b group c or group d Government employee should be made in the service book when they are transferred weather permanently or temporarily from one office to another.

কোনো গ্রুপ এ , গ্রুপ বি, গ্রুপ সি বা গ্রুপ ডি কর্মচারী বদলির ক্ষেত্রে প্রয়োজনীয় সমস্ত তথ্য লিপিবদ্ধ করতে হবে সেটি স্থায়ী বা অস্থায়ী যে ধরনেরই বদলি হোক না কেন ৷

নীচে দুটি সরকারী আদেশনামা দেওয়া হল যেখানে প্রতিটি অফিসকে সার্ভিস বইকে  এচ আর এম এসে ই-সার্ভিসবুকে এন্টি করার নির্দেশ দেওয়া হয়েছে।

Government of West Bengal

Finance Department

NABANNA 12th Floor

325 Sarat Chandra Chatterjee Road, Howrah - 711102.

No: 7906-F (Y).                                    Date: 22.12.2017


The Principal Secretary,

__________ Department


Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

Finance Department

Government of West Bengal

Sub:-Suggestions on Draft Service Book


The State Government in Finance Department has constituted a Committee with representatives of select Departments for revising the format of Service Book for the purpose of development of e-Service Book in IFMS-HRMS. The draft format of the Service Book as proposed bythe Committee is enclosed herewith.

You are requested to kindly give your views/comments/suggestions, if any, to the Finance

Department on the draft Service Book within 15 days.

Thanking you,

                                                                  Yours faithfully,

Dated: 22/12/2017.                                 Sd/-

Enclosure: As stated.                           Joint Secretary

                                                         Finance Department



Government of West Bengal 

Finance Department 

Nabanna, Howrah 


         No. 1880-F(Y)      Dated 25th March, 2019 

Sub: Updating Physical Service Books for implementation of "Online e-Service Book" in HRMS 

Since the rollout of Human Resources Management System (HRMS), migration from the Physical Service Book to the Online e-Service Book for all State Government employees has been under active consideration of the State Government. The implementation of different Sub-Modules of HRMS has now enabled the introduction of "Online e-Service Book". 

2. Based on the transactions carried out in the other Sub-Modules of HRMS that deal with the respective Service matters, the "Online e-Service Book" of a Government employee shall be able to automatically update itself and incorporate necessary changes in the Service Records that fonn part of his/her Service Book. 

3. However, the records of Service matters till date have to be captured from the existing Physical Service Book and entered and updated through Entry of Legacy Details functionality in the "Online e-Service Book" in HRMS. For ensuring that correct and updated Legacy Details are entered in the "Online e-Service Book'', the Physical Service Book has to be correct and updated. Therefore, the following Action Points for Entry of Legacy Details in HRMS have assumed importance: 

i. Existing Physical Service Books of all the Government employees are required to be updated by the 

Custodians of Service Books as per Appendix No.7, Rule 38 of WBSR, Part-1. 

ii. The Duplicate Service Book which is usually maintained by a Government employee needs to be updated and authenticated to enable them to do legacy data entry in their Online e-Service Book. 

iii. The Entry of Legacy Details is required to be done by the employees in their Online e-Service Book through their respective 'eSE login' in HRMS based on their up-to-date Duplicate Service Book. 

iv. The data so entered by the employee shall remain in "Draft Mode". Subsequently it will be required to 

be approved by the Custodian of the Service Book in HRMS using his/her Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). 

4. Now, all Custodians of Service Books in the State Government are requested to undertake a special drive to update the Physical Service Books within 15'h April, 2019 and issue the updated Duplicate Service Book to the employees for smooth implementation of "Online e-Service Book". Further, even after uploading the Legacy Details, the Physical Service Book shall be properly preserved with the Custodian till superannuation of the concerned employee . 

5. After introduction of "Online e-Service Book" various Service related matters can be processed and approved only if the Entry of Legacy Details has been completed and approved in HRMS. 

6. The detailed Guidelines for migration from Physical Service Book to "On line e-service book" in HRMS shall be issued shortly. 

 Sd/-(H.K. Dwivedi)

Additional Chief Secretary to the 

Government of West Bengal

©️ Sarkari Bandhu


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