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Circulars during Covid third wave


To combat with the imminent threat of Covid third wave ( Omicron) Government as well as Hon'ble High Court has passed some circulars. Here, are some of them-

Government of West Bengal
325, Sarat Chatterjee Road,
Howrah -711102

ORDER No-753/XVII-ISS/2M-22/2020 Dated: 02/01/2022

Whereas, in order to contain spread of COVID-19 pandemic, state government vide order No 753/XVI-ISS/2M-22/2020 dated 15/12/2021 read with various orders issued earlier, notified certain restriction and relaxation measures in terms of the provisions under Disaster Management Act 2005 read with West Bengal Epidemic Disease, Covid-19 Regulations 2020, which are in force till 15/01/2022

Whereas, after a review of the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic and the concerns due to high rate of infectivity and multiple cases of a new COVID-19 variant “Omicron”, State Executive Committee of West Bengal State Disaster Management Authority recommended to review the current restrictions and relaxations. Accordingly, in terms of the provisions under Disaster Management Act 2005 read with West Bengal Epidemic Disease, Covid-19 Regulations 2020, and in continuation of earlier orders, in addition to restriction and relaxation measures as already in force, following additional restrictions shall remain in force up to 15/01/2022:

 1) All academic activities in schools, colleges and universities shall remain closed. Only administrative activities shall be permitted with 50% of employees at a time.
2) All government offices including public undertakings shall function with 50% of employees at a time. Work from home shall be encouraged as far as possible.
3) All private offices and establishments shall function with 50% of employees at a time. Work from home shall be encouraged as far as possible.
4) Swimming pools, spas, gyms, beauty parlors, saloons and wellness centers shall remain closed.
5) All entertainment parks, zoos, tourist places shall remain closed.
6) Shopping malls and market complexes may function with restricted entry of people by not exceeding 50 % of the capacity at a time and up to 10 PM.
7) Restaurants and bars may operate with 50% of capacity at a time and up to 10 PM.
8) Cinema halls and theatre halls may operate with 50% of seating capacity at a time and up to 10 PM.
9) Meetings and conferences shall be allowed with a maximum of 200 people at a time or 50% seating capacity of the hall, whichever is lower.
10) Not more than 50 persons at a time shall be allowed for any social, religious and cultural gatherings.
11) Not more than 50 persons shall be allowed for marriage related ceremonies.
12) Not more 20 persons shall be allowed for funeral/ burial services and last rites.
13) Local trains shall operate with 50% seating capacity up to 7 PM only.
14) Metro services shall operate with 50% seating capacity as per usual operational time.
15) Movement of people and vehicles and public gatherings of any kind shall be prohibited between 10 PM to 5 AM. Only essential and emergency services shall be permitted.

Other Advisory:

i) Duare Sarkar camps starting 2nd January 2022 are hereby postponed and will be organised again from 1st February 2022.

i1) Like in first two COVID pandemic waves, various Chambers of Commerce and Trade organizations may adopt different market places and ensure regular sanitization and COVID appropriate health and hygiene protocols. Norms of physical distancing should be strictly enforced and people without masks shall not be allowed to enter the markets.

iii) Management of industries, factories, mills, tea gardens and other establishments shall ensure strict compliance of COVID appropriate norms including wearing of masks, regular sanitization of work places and only double vaccinated workers shall be allowed to enter the work sites.

iv) All government and private hospitals are advised to review the arrangements and facilities for treatment of COVID in the hospitals so that timely and proper treatment can be given to those needing hospitalization.

V) People with Covid positive test results but asymptotic are advised to go for home isolation and monitor their health.

vi) At least 50 % of the institutional quarantine facilities as were existing during the 2nd wave of COVID pandemic should be made operational.

vii) Employers/ management bodies / owners / supervisors of all offices, establishments and work places shall be responsible for provisioning of all COVID safety measures including regular sanitization of work places, vaccination of employees and for compliance of stated directives and COVID appropriate norms. Work from home shall be encouraged as far as possible and practical.

viii) Home delivery of food and other essential products shall be allowed as per usual operational hours following proper COVID appropriate care and protocols.

iX) Wearing of masks, maintenance of physical distancing and health & hygiene protocol must be followed at all times.

District administration, police commissionerates and local authorities shall ensure strict compliance of the stated directives. Any violation of the restriction measures will be liable to be proceeded against as per the provisions of Disaster Management Act, 2005 and under Indian Penal Code. 

The above-mentioned restrictions shall come into effect from 03/01/2022.


Chief Secretary

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                                             Date: 01.01.2022.

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that in view of the threat of the imminent third wave of the Covid pandemic and also the alarming rise in the number of Covid affected cases, the Court shall function with effect from 03.01.2022 in the following manner until further directions:

  • The Court proceedings shall be through virtual mode only. Hybrid mode is allowed only in respect of bail matters where public prosecutors will be allowed to be physically present with case diary and in other matters where Government and other Advocates are to produce or tender documents in court. Trial of suits by witness examination shall be suspended. Other proceedings in suits to continue.
  •  Staff attendance shall not be more than 66 & 2/3 percent with rotational transferable duty. Non essential departments may be suspended and their staff shall be utilised in essential departments.
  • The same system shall be followed in the District Courts as far as applicable and practicable.
  •  The same system shall be followed in the Circuit Benches subject to adaptation by the Senior most Hon’ble Judge in Circuit.
  •  The concerned stakeholders including Court-staff shall get themselves fully vaccinated and shall strictly adhere to the norms of social-distancing and Covid-19 protocols, guidelines, directions etc. issued by the Government of India, the State Government, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and this Hon’ble Court from time to time.

By order of the Hon’ble the Chief Justice, 


Registrar General.

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No. 60 - RG.                                            Date: 04.01.2022, 

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that upon consideration of the recommendations of the Hon’ble Covid Committee of this Hon’ble Court, the Hon’ble the Chief Justice has been pleased to direct as follows:

  •  The Court timings shall be from 10.30 A.M to 1.00 P.M and from 2.00 P.M till 4.00 P.M with full complement of Hon’ble Judges and existing roster with effect from 05.01.2022.
  •  In the District courts where there is insufficient online facility the District Judges should limit the number of cases to be taken up each day, the number of benches and regulate gathering and footfall in the court premises through appropriate directions. They shall also ensure that safety norms are maintained by social distancing, sanitization, thermal screening, RTPCR checking where required.
  •  For the trial of suits and criminal cases and production of accused by video linkage subsequent to the first production, physically and remand, the District Judges of all the districts shall submit a report not later than 5.00 P.M on Friday, 07.01.2022.
  •  The three Bar Associations of the Calcutta High Court are advised to maintain not more than 50% occupancy with social distancing covid protocols and observing other covid rules.
  • The allotment of guest rooms in Bijon Bhawan may remain suspended except with the permission of the Hon’ble the Chief Justice on a case to case basis, for a period of two weeks.
  • The law research clerks and law interns attached to the Hon’ble Judges will not be allowed to attend court proceedings physically but will be permitted to participate through video conferencing. The necessary video linkage will be shared with them.

  •  The learned Registrars of the Circuit Benches at Port Blair and Jalpaiguri shall ensure that proper steps are taken to make the residential accommodation provided to the Hon’ble Judges on circuit, safe, sanitized and conforming to the covid protocols regarding safety.

By Order of the Hon’ble the Chief Justice,

Registrar General.



No. 61-RG.               Date: 05.01.2022

To: (1) All The District Judges

(Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar, Uttar Dinajpur, Dakshin Dinajpur, Malda, Murshidabad, Purba Bardhaman, Paschim Bardhaman, Bankura, Birbhum, Purulia, Paschim Midnapore, Jhargram, Purba Midnapore, Howrah, Hooghly, Nadia, North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas and Andaman & Nicobar Islands); &

 (2) The Chief Judges: City Sessions Court; City Civil Court and Presidency Small Causes Court, Calcutta. 

Sub: Functioning of the District Judiciary. 


I am directed to inform your goodselves that upon recommendations of the Hon’ble Covid  Committee, the Hon’ble the Chief Justice has been pleased to direct as follows:

  • In the district courts where there is insufficient online facility the District Judges should limit the number of cases to be taken up each day, the number of benches and regulate gathering and footfall in the court premises through appropriate directions. They shall also ensure that safety norms are maintained by social distancing, sanitization, thermal screening, RTPCR checking where required.
  •  For the trial of suits and criminal cases and production of accused by video linkage subsequent to the first production, physically and remand, the District Judges of all the districts shall submit a report not later than 5.00 P.M on Friday, 07.01.2022. Based on it, the Committee will take a further decision in the above matters.

Your goodselves are, therefore, requested to act in accordance with the direction passed in this regard and furnish a compliance report, as sought for above, within the stipulated time.

 Yours faithfully, 


 [Ananya Bandyopadhyay] 

Registrar General. 

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