West Bengal Service Rules Calculation procedure of Half-pay Leave (a) The present system of crediting half-pay leave for 20 days in respect of a Government employee for his each completed year of service is being dispensed with. From 1st July, 2001, the half-pay leave account of every Government employee shall be credited with half-pay leave in advance in two instalments of ten days each on the first day of January and July of every calendar year. (b) The leave shall be credited to the said leave account at the rate of 5/3 days for each completed calendar month of service which a Government employee is likely to render in the half-year of the calendar year in which he is appointed. (c) The credit for the half-year in which a Government employee is due to retire or resigns from the service shall be allowed at the rate of 5/3 days per completed calendar month up to the date of retirement or resignation. (d) When a Government employee is removed or dismissed from service or dies whil...
Its all about knowledge and education. West Bengal service rule and law. Know the service rules and other Government circulars and orders. This is specifically for the employees of West Bengal. Leave rules, seniority rules, WBSR part 1 and part 2.