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কোভিড+ থেকে স্বাভাবিক জীবন



কোভিড+ থেকে স্বাভাবিক জীবন

🔆 ICMR এর নির্দেশিকা অনুসরনে পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকারের স্বাস্থ্য ও পরিবার কল্যান দপ্তর সম্প্রতি যে বিজ্ঞাপন প্রকাশ করেছে তাতে বলা হয়েছে--

👉 নমুনা সংগ্রহ বা কোভিড লক্ষন প্রকাশের পর ৭ দিন পর  যদি কোনো রোগীর আরও ৩ দিন পর্যন্ত জ্বর বা অন্য কোনো লক্ষন না থাকে তা আর নতুন কোনো টেস্ট এর প্রয়োজন নেই ৷

👉 ডাক্তারবাবু রোগীক হাসপাতাল বা সেফ হোম থেকে একটি সার্টিফিকেট সহ ডিসচার্জ করবেন ৷

👉এরপর রোগীকে অবশ্যই আরও ৭ দিন হোম কোয়ারেন্ট ইনে থাকতে হবে।

👉 এর পর তিনি স্বাভাবিক জীবনে ফিরতে পারেন

"As per ICMR guidelines, after one week from the date of sample collection or detection of COVID-19 symptoms, if a patient does not have fever or other symptoms for another three days, then no further test will required and the doctor will discharge him/her with a certificate from the hospital or safe home. The patient must stay under home quarantine for an additional 7 days before returning to normal life."

👉 কোভিদ যুদ্ধে যারা সামনের সারিতে থেকে লড়াই করছেন তাদের জন্য রাজ্য সরকার বিশেষ বীমা যোজনা চালু করেছে ৷ এই বীমা যোজনা অনুযায়ী কোভিদ পজিটিভ হলে চিকিৎসা সুবিধা সহ এক লক্ষ টাকা আর্থিক সহায়তা প্রদান করা হবে ৷ এছাড়া কোভিদ মৃত্যু হলে 10 লক্ষ টাকা পাওয়া যাবে ৷কিন্তু এটি শুধুমাত্র বিশেষ ক্ষেত্রে নিযুক্ত কর্মচারীদের ও বিশেষ কিছুক্ষেত্রে মানুষদের জন্য প্রযোজ্য ৷

নীচের আদেশনামা দুটি দেখুন ৷

Health & Family Welfare Department

Government of West Bengal

GN-29, Sector-V, Salt lake, Kolkata-700091

Memo No.: HF/OCOVID-19/2020/ 3085

                                     Date- 01.04.2020


Insurance Policy For Persons Deployed For COVID-19 Related Duties

With a view to expanding the ambit of the Insurance cover so as to offer greater protection to the persons deployed in the containment and management of COVID- 19 in the State of West Bengal, the Governor, in supersession of order number HF/OCOVID-19/2020/3051 dated 21.03.2020 and no. HF/OCOVID-19/2020/3054 dated 23.03.2020 is hereby pleased to notify afresh the following terms for the Insurance Policy.

Under this Policy free treatment for COVID-19 patients shall be provided in Government Hospitals/ Govermment-requisitioned private hospital with an additional financial assistance of Rs 1.00

Lakh (Rupees One Lakh), and a death benefit of Rs 10.00 Lakh (Rupees Ten Lakh) if death is attributable to COVID 19, to the categories of persons mentioned below.

Family members of the persons deployed in the containment and management of COviD 19 shall also be covered.

The following categories of persons who are deployed for COVID-19 related duties will be covered under the policy.

All employees of permanent, contractual or part-time nature under the Health & Family Welfare Department and other Departments/Organisations under the Government of West Bengal.

2.Conservancy State of Urban Development and Municipal Affairs Department and Conservancy staff deployed in the rural areas.

3. State Police personnel under permanent, contractual or part time employment, deployed for COVID related duties.

4. Personnel of Central Police Forces and Defence Forces, Airport Staff and Employees, Employees of the Ports, Employees of Railways deployed for COVID 19 related duties in West Bengal. 

5. Drivers, Conductors and other employees deployed for road and river public transport in the State.

6. Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, Conservancy Staff and all other employees deployed by Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes for containment and management of COVID-19.

7. All ICDS workers and helpers.

8. Cooks/ persons engaged in distribution of diet, washermen, Ayas working in Government and private hospitals.

9, Druggists, Chemists and their staff working in the Pharmacy/Medical Store /Dispensaries.

10. Persons engaged in bio-medical waste management in the hospitals.

11. All persons related to transportation of COVID-19 related suspects/palients (ambulance, hearse

Van ete.)

12. Private transport personnel deployed for COVID-19 related duties.

13. Couriers engaged in carrying samples for laboratory testing for COVID-19 for suspects/patients.

14. Any other category of persons who in the assessment of the Health & Family Welfare Department,West Bengal was deployed in COVID-19 related duties.

The admissibility of claim under this Policy as well the processing of claims shall be dealt by the Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal.

Health&Family Welfare Department Government of West Bengal 


Memo No-HF/O/COVID-19/2020/3788 Date28.07.2020


Govemment of West Bengal has started an Insurance Scheme to various categories of persons deployed for COVID-19 related duties vide order no. HF/O/COVID- 19/2020/3085 dated 01.04.2020 and the tenure of Insurance Scheme had been extended up to 31 July, 2020 vide order no. HF/O/COVID-19/2020/3348 dated 3.6.2020.

In continuation of order no. HF/O/COVID-19/2020/3348 dated 3.6.2020 the tenure of lnsurance Scheme is now extended up to 30th

September, 2020.

This is issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Government of West Bengal vide UO No.: Group O/2020-2021/0022 UO dated 21/07/2020.

All concerned are being informed accordingly.



Health&Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal


👉 নীচে Covid 19_ সংক্রান্ত বেশ কিছু আদেশনামা দেওয়া হল_________________________
Government of West Bengal

Nabanna, HRBC Building, Shibpur, Howrah

No.615-1. S. S./2M-22/2020

Dated, Howrah, the 12th October, 2020


Whereas it is considered necessary to maintain the management of Pandemic COVID 19 uninterrupted during the ensuing Puja holidays commencing on and from 17th October to Ist November, including Saturday and Sunday ,and

Whereas it is also considered necessary to be on high alert and fully prepared for effective management of any natural disaster like cyclonic storm, flood/ inundation during those days, and

Whereas it is also considered necessary to maintain public tranquility and law and order to ensure peaceful celebrations of Pujas , and

Whereas it is also considered necessary to maintain all essential civic and public services during the period, and

Whereas the services of all officers and staff of the State Government as well as urban and rural bodies and other parastatals will be essentially required for the purpose stated above,

Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered that no officer and stafl attached to the offices/ organizations providing essential services, involved in COVID managenment and otherwise, entrusted with law and order duty and in disaster managenment, ete shall be allowed to take leave during puja holidays, except on exceptional and emergent medical grounds to be decided by the head of office.

All the officers and staff' who will be on duty and have to perform essential public services during this period shall be allowed compensatory leave of cqual number of days which may be granted to  them afterwards.

Chief Secretury to the

Government of West Bengal




No. 2241-R (JS)                                           Date: 19.08.2020

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that considering the fact that several officers of the West Bengal Judicial Service who got promoted to their higher cadre and
were transferred and posted on promotion, could not join as yet in their respective new places of posting in the wake of COVID-19 situation prevailing in the State of West Bengal and the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Transfer Committee of this Hon'ble Court has further been pleased to resolve that the transfers which have already been ordered till date and scheduled to be operated with effect from 01.04.2021, in terms of Court's Notification No. 2091-R(JS) dated 07. 08.2020, is hereby modified to the extent that all the pending transfer orders will be operated with effect from 01.09.2020.

By Order,

Bibhas Ranjan De
 Registrar (Judicial Service)


Government of West Bengal

Finance (Audit) Department

Nabanna, Howrah

No. 2413- F(P2).                    Date 12.08.2020


The State Government has galvanized the entire state machinery and mobilized all resources at its disposal to combat the situation arising due to outbreak of Covid-19. A large number of Covid Warriors comprising permanent employees and contractual/ casual/ hired workers/ volunteers of the State Government, Urban & Rural Local Bodies, Public Undertakings and other Statutory Bodies under the State Government are working day and night risking their lives to provide urgent medical treatment and other support services to the affected population and to enforce restrictions to ensure the containment of the pandemic. Many of those frontline workers have themselves been affected by
Covid-19 and unfortunately some of them have died in the line of duty.

The state Government has already implemented a string of measures to stand beside these frontline workers. It is bearing the entire cost of treatment and in the event of unfortunate demiseof the Covid Warrior, the family is being assisted by a grant of Rs.10 lakhs.

Now, in order to save the dependant wife/husband/son/daughter/near relation of the deceased/permanently incapacitated of these Covid Warriors from financial distress, the State Government has decided to provide employment in the State Government. The Governor is pleased to formulate a Special scheme for Compassionate appointment of the dependant wife/husband/son/daughter/near relation of such Covid Warrior employee under the Exempted Category.

Note: 'near relation' means 
(a) legally adopted son/unmarried daughter before death or incapacitation; or 
(b) Married daughter, who on the date of death/incapacitation was unmarried; or 
(c) Brother or sister in case of death in harness of an unmarried employee provided his/her parent, all the brothers and sisters were fully dependant on him/her,

-one who was wholly dependant on the employee at the time of his death in harness or incapacitation, as the case may be.

1.The Scheme

The Scheme may be called The West Bengal Special Compassionate Appointment (to the dependant of Covid Warrior who has died or has been permanently incapacitated due to Covid-19) Scheme, 2020.

2. Application

The Scheme will be applicable to a dependant family member of the following categories of employees, who while on Covid -19 related duty, have died or have been rendered permanently incapacitated due to Covid-19 for further service:

A) Employee of State Government, Rural & Urban Local Bodies, Public Undertakings, Statutory Bodies or any Grant-in-Aid Institution.

(B) All frontline workers like (i) ASHA workers (i) Multipurpose Health Workers (ii) Contractual workers engaged under NHM (iv) all contractual and part-time Medical, Para-medical and Nursing personnel (v) Contractual workers employed in the heath facilities including Drug Management, Cleaning, Scavenging, Laundry, Diet and providing other services (vi) Anganwadi workers and Helpers (vii) Civic Volunteers (vii) Civic Police Volunteers and (ix) such other contractual/casual/daily-rated/hired workers/volunteers in Government establishments.

3. Group/Post to which such appointment can be made

Compassionate Appointment may be made to the post in Group-C or Group-D category against available vacancy depending upon the educational qualification and eligibility of the applicant wife/husband/son /daughter/near relation of the deceased/permanently incapacitated employee/worker.

In exceptional circumstances, the Department concerned, with the concurrence of Finance Department, may consider appointment in other categories of post in consideration of higher qualification and eligibility of the candidate.

4. Appointing Authority

The Department concerned under which the deceased/permanently incapacitated employee/ worker had been working will be the Appointing Authority. The Head of Department will give final approval for such appointment with the approval of the MIc/MOS of the concerned Department. For the purpose, no prior approval of the Finance Department will be required.

In the event of non-availability of vacancy in the respective department, necessary post (s) may be created with the concurrence of Finance Department.

5. Procedure to be followed

(i) The dependant of the deceased/permanently incapacitated employee/ worker intending to avail the facility of the scheme shall apply in plain paper alongwith certificate of death /incapacitation of the concerned employee and all testimonials of the applicant in support of age, educational qualification, caste status, differently abled certificate, if any, to the Head of Office.

(ii) The Head of Office will obtain declaration of other family members that they have no objection for compassionate appointment in favour of the applicant.

(iii) On receipt of the application the Head of Office will immediately process the case after verification of the identity of the applicant and testimonials submitted by him/her.

(iv) The Department concerned, before issuance of appointment letter, will obtain undertaking from the candidate in the form of an affidavit in regard to the following-

(a ) That he/she will properly maintain the other member(s) of the family.

(b) That the information regarding his/her educational qualification, age etc. are true, failure to which and in the event of any adverse report, if detected, upon completion of Police Verification, his/her appointment shall be liable to be terminated.

(v) In case of overage of the applicant, the same may be condoned as per relevant rules.

6.Time frame for issuance of appointment letter

Appointment letter shall be issued within a period of 30 working days from the date of receipt of proper application alongwith all necessary supporting documents for Employment Assistance pending Police Verification and Medical Examination of the candidate. However, the process of Police Verification and
Medical Examination shall be initiated immediately after joining of the candidate and completed within a period of one month.

 7. Overriding priority

Offering of a job under this Scheme will have overriding priority and precedence over other cases of appointment under Exempted Category.

8. General

It is presumed that the family of the deceased/permanently incapacitated employee/ worker/ volunteer would submit application for Employment Assistance within a very short period. However, the Head of Office may wait for submission of such application for a maximum period of three months from the date of death/the date of declaring permanent incapacitation of the employee/ worker/ volunteer after which it will be presumed that the family does not require Employment Assistance.

However, in compelling circumstances the Appointing Authority to his satisfaction, may condone delayed submission of application under the scheme for one year from the date of death/permanently

Once a candidate is appointed under the Scheme, he/she will be guided by the service rules/orders/guidelines applicable for the post and that no special dispensation shall be allowed to him/her. No appointment shall be made under the scheme until the candidate has attained 18 years of age.

Necessary amendment to the provision of Section 3 of the West Bengal Regulation of Recruitment in State Government Establishment and Establishments of Public Undertakings, Statutory Bodies, Government companies and Local Authorities Act, 1999 will be made in due course

9.The scheme will be deemed to have come into force from 1st April,2020.

Sd/-H. K. Dwivedi

Additional Chief Secretary to the
 Government of West Bengal


Government of West Bengal

Nabanna, Howrah

 No. 289- CS/2020.                      Dated 12/08/2020


Subject: Withdrawal of state wide complete lockdown on Friday 28August 2020.

Whereas, several communications have been received citing difficulty to conduct of businesses and banking operations because of 2-days  lockdown during Thursday and Friday in the last week of August 2020 followed by one-day lockdown on the following Monday;

Whereas, State Government has considered the requests for relaxation of lockdown as would be necessary and essential;

Therefore, in partial modification of Order No. 287 CS/2020 dated 03/08/2020, lockdown on Friday 28 August 2020 as notified earlier is
hereby withdrawn and statewide complete lockdown shall now be
observed on:

Thursday 20 August; Friday 21 August; Thursday 27 August and

Monday 31 August;

All restrictions and guidelines as notified earlier vide Order No 285-CS/2020 dated 30/07/2020 shall apply.

                                                                        Chief Sécretary





HOWRAH-711 102

No.1912-F(H)    Howrah,  the 9th June, 2020.


In continuation of the order issued under No.218-CS/2020 dated 30.05.2020 regarding the functioning of Government Offices w.e.f 08.06.2020, the following  guidelines are issued for the safety and well being of each and every officer and staff and prevention of spread of the disease COVID-19 in the workplace:

1) Only asymptomatic officers and staff shall be allowed to attend office on rotation basis. Anyone with any sort of symptom like mild fever, cough and cold need not attend office.

2) Officer and staff residing in containment zone shall not come to office. He/she will work from home till the area is declared as a Clear Area (category C).

3) Attendance of officers and staff who share a common sitting place should not exceed 10 on rotation basis. The sitting arrangements must be made in such a way that the distance between the two desks should not be less than 2.0 metres. In case it is not possible to maintain the distance of 2.0 metres with the presence of 10 persons in a common area/enclosure, the number of officer and staff should be further reduced. In that case, the overall attendance of 70% as stipulated in the order dated 30.05.2020 may be reduced. Roster should be prepared accordingly on weekly basis.

4) Officers above the rank of Deputy Secretary in Secretariat and equivalent rank in the Directorates/other establishments who have separate cubicals/sitting arrangements, may be asked to attend office on all working days and as per normal working hours.

5) Officers/staff who will not attend office because of roster arrangement as stated above, shall be advised to work from home through e-office. The Directorates/other establishments where there is no e-office facility as yet, may be advised to urgently introduce the system of e-office. They may take the assistance of Software Support Personnel(e-office) posted in each Department or other IT personnel with no additional engagement of manpower.

6) While in office premises, wearing of face mask at all times, frequent hand washing, use of hand sanitizer and adherence to other safety measures as notified earlier shall be strictly followed. Any case of non-wearing of masks shall be seriously viewed.

7) Sitting arrangements of visitors shall also be made at a distance of at least 2.0 metres.

8) Officers/staff will disinfect their personal equipments like keyboards, mouse phone, AC remote etc. themselves as frequently as possible.

9) Arrangements shall be made for disinfection of frequently touched places such as electric switches, door knobs, washroom fixtures, elevator switches etc. Arrangements should also be made for total sanitization of the entire office premises at regular intervals, say, once a fortnight.

10) Face to face meetings/discussion should be avoided as far as possible. Officers and staff will use intercom/phone/VC for interactions

11) In the lifts meant for common use, not more than 3(three) persons shall be  allowed to take entry at a time.

All are earnestly requested to follow the above guidelines and extend whole hearted cooperation in combating the infection þf COVID-19.

Additional Chief Secrėtary 
to the Government of West Bengàl


Government of West Bengal

Finance Department

Audit Branch

No. 1380-F(Y)                                       Date: 23.03.2020


Sub: Modalities for submissions and processing of bills in Treasuries in the background of combating the spread of COVID 19

The State Government has taken up all necessary measures for combating the spread of COVID 19, and whereas it is imperative to adopt social distancing and isolation measures to contain its spread, and considering the necessity of restricting the physical presence of officials of DDOs during discharging activities related with closure of financial year in the Treasuries, in continuation of Memo No. 1379- F(Y) dated 23.03.2020, certain modalities in respect of submission of bills in treasuries through iFMS and passing of bills by treasuries have been introduced in partial modification of WBTR, 2005 as follows:-

1. Procedure to be followed by DDOS:

i) DDOs /PL & LF operators shall submit online bills /e-Advices to Treasuries through "e-billing

/ online LF & PL module of iFMS" as usual.

ii) However, DDOs PL & LF operators are not required to submit physical copies of bills /e Advices at the Treasuries.

iii) It must be noted that DDOs/ PL & LF operators shall preserve the Treasury Copy of the bills / schedules/ sub-vouchers/ e-Advices in their offices carefully for submission to the treasuries subsequently. The date and modalities for such submission will be notified later.

iv) In respect of third party payments, DD0s shall ensure that certificates are provided in the "Additional Certificate" tab in e-billing for "Stock entry Certificate", "Work done certificate",

"Certificate of due observance of tender formalities"
"Non-drawal certificate" etc. as applicable.

v)Any clarification required by the Treasury Office, the DDOs shall send the same through their official mail 1D ( to the official mail iD ( of Treasury officer. The Subject line
of the mail shall contain the following: "DDO Code... Token No. ..

vi) The DDOS shall be fully responsible for genuineness, eligibility of sub-vouchers and necessary certificates which shall be submitted at the time of submission of physical bills later on.

vii) The DDOs must keep continuous track of the bills submitted in e-billing module and to keep an account of the bills passed and bills objected from treasury.

2) Procedure to be followed in Treasuries

i) Treasuries shall not receive any physical copy of bills/ e-Advice from DDOs.

ii) The Official having front office role in "CTS module of iFMS" must log into the system and frequently check whether any bill has been submitted electronically or not. He/ She shall generate "Token No." against all such bills received and maintain a record of the bills received by him with the following information for future reference:

(a) DDO Code

(b) Bill No.,

(c) Bill date

(d) Net Amount

(e) Token No. & date

iii) The officials entrusted with the task of examining the bills shall frequently check in the system whether any bills are pending in their login and process the same electronically. Before giving mandate, the concerned officials must ensure that the mandates are given correctly.

iv) The Treasury Officer / PAO shall monitor the progress of processing of bills and issue instructions accordingly.

In this presing time DDOs are requested to co-operate with Treasuries to ensure that the Treasuries may be able to perform the year ending activities smoothly.

ONLY ESSENTIAL Bills should be submitted to the Treasuries as Treasuries will operate with skeleton staff.

The procedure as mentioned above shall be effective until further order.

H.K. Dwivedi
Additional Chief Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

©️ সরকারী বন্ধু
Sarkari Bandhu


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IN THE HIGH COURT AT CALCUTTA  CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION  APPELLATE SIDE  PRESENT:  THE HON’BLE JUSTICE HARISH TANDON  &  THE HON’BLE JUSTICE RABINDRANATH SAMANTA WPST 102 OF 2020   THE STATE OF WEST BENGAL & ORS.   -Vs  CONFEDERATION OF STATE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, WEST BENGAL &   ORS.   Mr. S.N. Mookherjee, Learned Advocate General,  Mr. Amitesh Banerjee,Adv.  Mr. Debasish Ghosh, Adv.  Mr. Shayak Chakraborty, Adv.   ….. for the Petitioners   Mr. Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya,Senior Advocate.  Mr. Firdous Samim, Adv.  Ms. Gopa Biswas, Adv.  Ms. Mousumi Hazra, Adv.   ….. for the respondent no. 1  Mr. Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya, Senior Advocate.  Mr. Prabir Chatterjee,Adv.  Mr. Dilip Chatterjee,Adv.  Mr. Durga Bhusan Mukherjee, Adv.  Ms. Debolina Bannerjee, Adv. ….for the respondent no.2 ...

General Provident Fund Rules

 General Provident Fund Rules GENERAL PROVIDENT FUND General Provident Fund of the employees of the Government of West Bengal is maintained as per Provisions laid down in "The General Provident Fund (West Bengal Services) Rules". Different provisions of the said Rules are stated below: 1.Opening of the GPF A/c Each regular Govt. employee has to subscribe to the GPF compulsorily after completion of one year of service. For opening of GPF A/c. each Government employee has to apply in prescribed form. In case of Group-D employees the account is opened by head of Office immediately after completion of one year service of such employees. For Group-A, B and C employees such account is opened by Accountant General, West Bengal and the application for opening of such account has to be sent to Accountant General, West Bengal. 2.Maintenance of GPF Account: The account is maintained by Accountant General, West Bengal for Group-A, B and C employees. For Group-D employees such account is ...

Service Book

Service Book #sarkaribandhu A service book must be maintained for every whole time government employee other than those who are employed casually or daily wage basis in such a format provided by Auditor General. সার্ভিস বুক হলো এমন একটি রেকর্ড যেখানে একটি সরকারি কর্মচারীর কর্মজীবনের সমস্ত কার্যকলাপ লিপিবদ্ধ থাকে ৷সার্ভিস বুক সার্ভিস বুক প্রতিটি কর্মচারী ক্ষেত্রে অবশ্যই মেন্টেন করতে হবে যদি না তিনি অস্থায়ী বা দৈনিক মজুরি ভিত্তিতে কাজ করেন ৷ A duplicate service book shall also be maintained for each Government employees from the date of his first appointment to the government service. One copy of the service book shall be kept in the custody of head office. This copy of service book shall be sent from of office to office his posting.   সার্ভিস বইয়ের একটি কপি সংশ্লিষ্ট সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মচারীর হেড অফিসে  থাকবে ও ডুবলিকেট কপিটি কর্মচারীর কাছে থাকবে For offices of the West Bengal civil service( executive) and the the West Bengal police service the service book will be maintained Centr...