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Group Insurance & Saving Scheme



GIS Insurance ও GIS Savings হল Salary বা বেতনের Deduction Component. অন্য দুটি হল GPF ও p. Tax. এটা সমস্ত কর্মচারীদের ক্ষেত্রে বাধ্যতামূলক ৷ অস্থায়ী কর্মচারী, দৈনিক মজুরী, চুক্তিভিত্তিক ইত্যাদি কর্মচারীদের ক্ষেত্রে প্রযোজ্য হবে না।

রোপা ২০০৯ অনুযায়ী গ্রুপ - এ কর্মীদের কাটা হয় ৮০ টাকা৷ সেক্ষেত্রে তিনি ৮০,০০০ টাকার বীমার সুবিধা পেতেন। অনুরূপভাবে গ্রুপ - বি কর্মীদের কাটা হয় ৪০ টাকা ও তিনি  ৪০,০০০ টাকার বীমার সুরক্ষা পাবেন।

৮০ টাকা ( গ্রুপ এ ) = ২৪ টাকা ( Insurance Fund ) + ৫৬ টাকা (saving Fund ) 

৪০ টাকা ( গ্রুপ বি ) = ১২ টাকা ( Insurance Fund ) + ২৮ টাকা (saving Fund ) 

২০ টাকা ( গ্রুপ সি ) = ৬ টাকা ( Insurance Fund ) + ১৪ টাকা (saving Fund ) 

১০ টাকা ( গ্রুপ ডি ) = ৩ টাকা ( Insurance Fund ) + ৭ টাকা (saving Fund ) 

কর্মচারীরা এক বা  একাধিক ব্যক্তিকে নমিনি করতে পারেন ৷ চাকুরীরত অবস্থায় কোনো কর্মচারীর মৃত্যু হলে তার আইনসঙ্গত উত্তরসূরীরা GIS ও GISS টাকা পাবেন ৷ ( নমিনি না থাকল)

Sanctioning Authority হল HoF |

রোপা ২০১৯ অনুযায়ী কর্মীদের শ্রেণীবিন্যাস

গ্রুপ - এ- ন্যূনতম বেতন ৩৫,০০০ টাকা ( Level of Pay ১২ বা তার বেশী )

গ্রুপ - বি- ন্যূনতম বেতন ২৪,৭০০ টাকা৷ ( Level of pay ৭ থেকে ১১)

গ্রুপ সি- ন্যূনতম বেতন ১৮,৮০০ টাকা ( Level of pay  ৩ থেকে ৬)

গ্রুপ ডি - ন্যূনতম বেতন ১৭,০০০ টাকা ( Level of pay ১ ও ২ )



 (Issued under G.O. No.825-F dated 31st January, 1987)

1.Date of effect   :1st November, 1987 (Para 6)

2. Membership: Compulsory for all Government employees joined on or after 01.11.1987

(Para 4.1).

The Scheme shall cover all whole time regular employees under the service of Government of West Bengal except the following:

a) Persons paid at daily rate.

 b) Persons appointed on short term basis. 

c) Persons appointed on ad-hoc basis or on contract basis for a specified period.

 d) Persons in seasonal or casual employment. 

e) Persons recruited under the State Government after attaining the age of fifty years. 

f)Employees on deputation from other State Governments, Government of India, Public Undertakings, Autonomous Organizations, provided further that members of All India Services who have opted out of Government of India Group Insurance Scheme, may with the concurrence of Government of India be admitted under the Scheme (Para 3).

Membership for Existing Government Employees:

The existing employees ,who were members of GISS'83 had the Option

i) To remain under the 1983 Scheme or 

ii)To come under the Revised Scheme, 1987. 

iii)The option (Form No.1) in duplicate had to be exercised within 30.04.1987 (Paras 4.2, 4.3(a) and 4.6).

All non-optees were treated as member of the Scheme of 1987. Those who joined in the service of the State Government during 01.05.1987 to 31.10.1987 were also covered under Revised Scheme, 1987 without any option but those who died or otherwise ceased to be in employment during the waiting period from 01.05.1987 to 31.10.1987 were entitled to the benefits as per 1983 scheme (Paras 4.4, 4.3 &4.5)

Government allowed another opportunity to all Government Servants who were still member of 1983 scheme to join 1987 scheme w.e.f. 01.11.1994 by exercising option within 31.12.1994 (G.O. No.10701-F dated 10.11.1994).

3. Subscription

The subscription for the Scheme is on graded basis and in units of Rs.10 per month. Rate of subscription and insurance cover of different groups of employees are as indicated below(as per ROPA 2009):

4. Apportionment of the subscription between Insurance Fund and saving fund

Subscriptions realized from member employees shall be apportioned between Insurance Fund and Savings Fund n the manner indicated below:

5.Delayed payment of subscription 

If an employee is on Extra-ordinary Leave and no salary is paid, the arrear subscription shall be recovered with interest admissible under the Scheme on accretions to the Savings Fund in not more than three instaliments

6. Nomination

Each Govt. Employee may make nomination in favour of one or more persons the right to receive the amount that may become payable under the scheme in the event of his or her death before attaining the date of Superannuation provided that if the member has a family as defined in Rule 7(1) (e) (1) of WBS (DCRB) Rules 1971shall have to make nomination only in favour of a member or members of his or her family.

7. Register of Members

 Each Head of Office shall maintain a Group-wise Register of members in Form No.7.

8.Date of anniversary of the Scheme

1s November in each year.

Any employee entering in a month other than the month of anniversary of the scheme (i.e. November) will be given the benefit of insurance cover from the date of joining to the date of becoming member of the scheme (i.e. 1" November) on payment of subscription of Rs.3/- per month as premium for every Rs.10,000/. From the date of anniversary of the scheme (i.e. November) he will pay subscription (.e. Insurance Fund and Savings Fund). In case of promotion to higher group his subscription shall be raised from the salary bill of next November.

9.Entitlements under the Scheme

In case of Retirement/Resignation etc.

a)For those coming directly under the Scheme

i) The amount of Savings Fund for 1987 Scheme for the entire period of membership in same or different groups.

ii) Interest on Savings Fund as admissible.

b) For those who come under the Scheme by Option or are deemed to have become member of the Scheme by virtue of Para 4.4.

i)Entitlements under Savings Fund of 1983 Scheme up to 31.10.1987.

ii) Interest on above @5% per annum compounded annually w.e.f. 01.11.1987 up to the date of retirement/resignation etc.

iii) The amount of Savings Fund for 1987 Scheme for the entire period of membership in same or different groups.

iv) Interest on Savings Fund for 1987 as admissible.

In case of death while in Service

The amount of appropriate insurance cover as indicated in Para 7.1 of the Scheme plus the amount of Savings Fund with interest as shown at 9(a) or 9(b) above as the case may be.

10. Sanctioning Authority

Head of Office as defined in Rule 5(16A) of W.B.S.R. Part-l.

11. Payments from the Insurance Fund/Savings Fund

i)  In case of Retirement/Resignation etc.

 Head of Office will sanction the amount in Annexure 'G after obtaining application in Form-2 from the employee concerned.

ii) In case of death while in service (where nomination exists)

The Head of office will intimate the nominee/nominees in Form No.3. The nominee/nominees will apply for the claim in Form No.4. After receiving the application Head of Office will sanction the amount in Annexure-' H'.

The Drawing and Disbursing Officer will draw the amount on the basis of order issued by the Head of Office in T. R. Form No.60 for drawal from Savings Fund

(1983/87 Schme) and T.R. Form No.61 for drawal ffom Insurance Fund (1983/87 Scheme).

iii) In case of death while in Service (where no nomination exists)

Where there is no nomination payment may be made to legal heir/heirs in equal share (Para 15.7 of the scheme). In such cases payment of Group Insurance money may be made as per G.O. No.8457-F dated 16.09.1980 read with G.O. No.8807-F dated 26.09.1980 by obtaining Indemnity Bond' from the claimant(s).

Important: In terms of G.0. No. 3728-F (J) dt. 3rd May, 2012, it is compulsory to record the details of subscription in the Service Book of the State Government employees.


👉      No. 11099-F  Calcutta, the 8th October, 1987.


                      FINANCE DEPARTMENT

                          AUDIT BRANCH

No. 11099-F  Calcutta, the 8th October, 1987.


Subject: West Bengal State Government Employees' Group Insurance-Cum-Savings Scheme, 1987-Accounting Procedure.

The Governor is pleased to prescribe the Accounting Procedure' appended herewith for transactions under the West Bengal State Government Employees' Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1987 circulated with Finance Department Memorandum No. 825-F, dated 31.1.87.

All Heads of Department/0ffices and all others concerned are hereby directed to ensure proper observance of the various provisions of the Accounting Procedure in scheme with effect from 1.11.87.

Sd/- S. K. Chakraborty

Deputy Secretary to the

 Government of West Bengal.


👉No.2160-F(J)WB,.    Dated: 06.10.2020

Government of West Bengal 

Finance Department

 Audit Branch

No.2160-F(J)WB,.           Dated: 06.10.2020


The undersigued is directed, to say that the West Bengal State Govt. Employees' Group Insurance- cum - savings Scheme, 1987 was introduced vide F. D. Memo. No.825-F dated 31.01.1987 and the employees were graded for this purpose as Group - A, B. C and D following their pay scales vide para 7.1 of the said scheme. Subsequently gradations were revised vide F.D. Memorandums No. 6168-F dated 03.07.1991, No. 8741-F dated 21.12.1998 and 185-F(J) Dated 07.01.2010 after implementation of WBS (ROPA) Rules, 1990, 1998 and 2009 respectively. Now after implementation of WBS(ROPA) Rules. 2019 another revision has become necessary.

Accordingly in supersession of F.D. Memo. No. 185-F(J) dated 07.01.2010 the Governor is pleased to decide that with effect from 01.11.2020 the State Govt. Employees shall be graded for the above purpose in the following manner

1. Group - A: all employees having Entry Pay in the Pay-Level with a minimum Rs, 35,800/- and above with Level of Pay ranging from 12 and above.

II. Group - B: all employees having Entry Pay in the Pay-Level with a minimum of Rs. 24,700/- and above with Level of Pay ranging from 7 to 11.

III. Group - C: all employees having Entry Pay in Pay-Level with a minimum of Rs. 18,800/- and above with Level of Pay ranging from 3 to 6.

IV. Group - D: all employees having Pay in the Pay-Level with a minimum of Rs. 17,000/- and above with Level of Pay ranging in 1 and 2.

The rate of subseription and amount of Insurance cover corresponding to each Group shall however remain unchanged.

Para 7.1 of F. D. Memo No. 825-F dated 31.01.1987 and para 4 of Acounting procedure circulated under E.D. Memo. No. 11099-F dated 08.10.1987 shall be treated as modified to that effect.

It should be noted that the holders of Pay Level No. 7 under WBs (ROPA) Rules, 2019, though, graded as Group-C in Rule 13 of the said rules, has been classilied under Group-D for this purpose for maintaining continuity of groupwise categorization. Otherwise the gradation of employees as recast above is in identical terms of Rule 13 of WBS (ROPA) Rules, 2019.

By the order of the Governor


Deputy secretary

to the Govt. of West Bengal


👉    No. 6897-F     Calcutta, the 16th June, 1988.




    No. 6897-F  Calcutta, the 16th June, 1988.


Subject: West Bengal State Government Employees Group Insurance-cum-Savings Scheme, 1987.

Certain points have been raised in connection with the operation of West Bengal State Government Employees' Group Insurance -cum -Savings Scheme, 1987 issued in this Department Memo No. 825-E dated 31.1.87, the undersigned is directed to clarify the points as follows:


1) Whether consequence on the Change of Group or an employee due to operation of Rule 9 on W. B. |laid down in para 7.2 of the Scheme shall apply S.(ROPA) Rules, 1981, the rate of subscription and mutatis mutandis in this case also. consequent entitlements will be raised to the level appropriate to that Group.


1) The reply is in the affirmative. The procedure laid down in para 7.2 of the Scheme shall apply mutatis mutandis in this case also.


2) Whether the rate of subscription and consequent entitlements of an employee will be raised to the level appropriate to that Group if he is will be raised from the next anniversary date of the appointed or promoted on regular basis with retrospective effect.


2) The reply is in the negative. In such cases, the rate of subscription and consequent entitlements scheme of the particular year of issue of such order of appointment or promotion.


3) How the calculation of the entitlements will be made


3) Table of benefits for the Savings Fund for the "Giss-1987" has been issued in Finance Department Memo No. 6320-F, dated 1.6.88. Method of calculation, prepared at per with the procedure laid down in the Scheme, has been shown in the annexure to this Memo along with examples for information and guidance.

Sd/-S. K. Chakraborty

Deputy Secretary to the 

Govt. of West Bengal.


👉No. 2766-F(J).       Kolkata, the 11th April, 2011

Government of West Bengal

 Finance Department 

Audit Branch


No. 2766-F(J).       Kolkata, the 11th April, 2011


Subject:    State Government Employees Group Insurances Scheme, 1983 Table of Benefits under Savings Fund for the membership period from 397th month to 420th month.

In continuation of this Department's Memo No. 1940-F, dated 05.03.2009 the undersigned is directed to say that a new table of Savings Fund benefits under the above mentioned scheme has been drawn up for a further period of membership from 397th month to 420th month counted from April, 1978 and a copy of the same is annexed for guidance of all concerned. The table shows the accumulated amounts as payable on Savings Fund account to the members of the Scheme corresponding to the period of membership as noted against each.

2. Any subscription remaining due on the date of retirement/death shall be/recovered with interest from the entitlements as shown in the table.

3. All heads of Departments/Offices are requested to circulate copies to all offices/DDOs under their control.

(P.N. Samadder)

Joint Secretary to the

Government of West Bengal

 Finance Department

 Finance Department

Annexure to Finance Department Memo No. 2766-F(J), dated 11.04.2011.

Table of benefits showing Savings Fund accumulations under GISS, 1983 for subscription@ Rs. 8/- per month.


👉No.: 10286-F(J).     Kolkata, the 14th November, 2011

Government of West Bengal 

Finance Department 

Audit Branch

No.: 10286-F(J).     Kolkata, the 14th November, 2011

Subject :State Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme,  1987 -Table of Benefits under Savings Fund for the year of cessation of membership 2011-2012.

In continuation of this department's Memo No. 10324-F(J), dated 01.11.2010 the undersigned is directed to say that a new table of benefits showing accumulations in the savings fund under the above mentioned scheme corresponding to a unit subscription of Rs. 10/- (Rs. Ten) only per month has been drawn up for the period from 01.11.2011 to 31.10.2012 in matching with the table of benefits of the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme,1980 circulated under Gol's OM No. 7(1)/EV/2010, dated 31.01.2011.A copy of the said table is enclosed as ready reckoner. The figures have been worked out on the basis of interest @ 12% p.a. (compounded quarterly) for the period from 01.11.1987 to 31.10.2001, 11% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2001 to 31.10.2002, 9.5% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2002 to 31.10.2003, 9.0% p.a. (compounded quarterly) from 01.11.2003 to 31.10.2004 and 8.0% p.a. (compounded quarterly) w.e.f. 01.11.2004 onwards. The mortality rate continues to remain unchanged.

 2. The amounts shown in the table are applicable to a member of Group D' category. Corresponding amounts for the member of higher groups may be calculated proportionately. 

3.It is assumed that full subscription has been fully realised from salary upto the month in which a member ceases to be in service, failing which the same shall be deducted from his/her entitlements.

Sd/- S.N. Koley

 Assistant Secretary to the 

Government of West Bengal


👉No.-1873-F(J)-W.B.      Date: 21/05/2019




No.-1873-F(J)-W.B.             Date: 21/05/2019


SUBJECT: State Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1987-Table of Benefits under Savings Fund for the year of cessation of Membership 2019.

In continuation of this Department's Memo No 4112-F(U)WB dated 01.11.2018, the undersigned is directed to say that a new table of benefits showing accumulation of savings fund under the above-mentioned scheme corresponding to a unit subscription of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) only per month has drawn up for the period from 01.05.2019 to 31.10.2019 matching ith the Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 circulated under GOI's OM No. 7(2)/EV/2016 dated 10.12.2018.

2. A copy of the said table is enclosed herewith as ready reckoner. The figures have been worked out on the basis of the rate of interests as follows:-

The mortality rate continues to remain unchanged.

3. The amounts shown in the table are applicable (with the fractions) for one unit and to be rounded off after calculating the final amount payable.

4. The amounts shown in the table are applicable to a member of Group-D category. Corresponding amounts for the member of higher groups may be calculated proportionately.

5. It is assumed that subscriptions have fully been realised from salary up to the month in which a member ceases to be in service, failing which the same shall be deducted with interest from his/her entitlement.


Additional Secretary

to the Govt. of West Bengal



                                                                                Amount in Rupees


Table of benefits 2020




No.-3140-F)-N.B.            Date: 10 November, 2020  


SUBJECT: State Government Employees Group Insurance cum Savings Scheme, 1987-Table of Benefits under Savings Fund for the year of cessation of Membership 2020-2021.

In continuation of this Department's Memo No 2291-F(J)NB dated 24.07.2020, the undersigned is directed to say that a new table of benefits showing accumulation of savings fund under the above mentioned scheme corresponding to a unit subscription of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten) only per month has been drawn up for the period from 01.11.2020 to 31.01.2021 matching with the Central Govemment Employees Group Insurance Scheme, 1980 circulated under GOl's OM No. 7(2)/EV/2016 dated.05.02.2020.

A copy of the said table is enclosed herewith as ready-reckoner. The figures have been worked out on the basis of the rates of interest as follows:-

The mortality rate continues to remain unchanged. 

2. The amounts shown in the table are applicable (with the fractions) for one unit and to be rounded off after calculating the final amount payable. 

3. The amounts shown in the table are applicable to a member of Group-D category. Corresponding amounts for the member of higher groups may be calculated proportionately. 

4. It is assumed that subscriptions have fully been realized from salary up to the month in which a member ceases to be in service, failing which the same shall be deducted with interest from his/her entitlement.


Additional Secretary to the Government of West Bengal




General Provident Fund জি পি এফ

General Provident Fund Rules

কীভাবে আপনার মোবাইলে জিপিএফ স্টেটমেন্ট ডাউনলোড করবেন

Group Insurance scheme জি আই এস

GIS Rules

Annual increment

সারভিস বুক

কীভাবে আপনার মোবাইলে Pay slip Download করবেন?

নাম বা পদবির পরিবর্তনের পদ্ধতি

Cashier and cashbook

Structure of Government account

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  🏠🚲💵💼 Declaration of Asset Declaration of Asset একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বিষয় | সরকারীরা কর্মচারীরা এই বিষয় টি সম্পর্কে ভালোভাবেই পরিচিত । আমি চেষ্টা করলাম যাতে বিষয়টি  যত সহজভাবে বোঝানো সম্ভব হয়। আপনাদের ভালো লগালে পরিশ্রম সার্থক মনে করব। কোনো ভুল ত্রুটি থাকলে তা সংশোধন করার অনুরোধ জানায়। (সম্পত্তির ঘোষনা) 🔆Declaration of Asset প্রতিটি সরকারী কর্মীদের কর্মচারীদের জমা দিতে হবে, চলতি বছরে ১লা জানুয়ারীর হিসাব অনুযায়ী | 🔆গ্রুপ-ডি কর্মীদের Declaration of Asset জমা দেওয়ার প্রয়োজন নেই। 🔆যারা নতুন চাকরীতে জয়েন করেছেন তাদের জয়েনিং এর তিন মাসের মধ্যে Declaration of Asset জমা করতে হবে। এক্ষেত্রে তাদের চাকরীতে জয়েন করার পূর্ববর্তী বছরের ১লা জানুয়ারী যে পরিমান সম্পত্তি ছিল সেই হিসাব জমা দিতে হবে। 🔆Declaration of Asset এ নিজের সম্পত্তি ব্যতিত তার স্বামী/ স্ত্রী , সন্তান বা তার উপর নির্ভরশীল ব্যক্তির সম্পত্তির হিসাবও দেখাতে হবে|( সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মচারীর নামে না থাকলেও) | 🔆শেয়ার, স্টক ও অনান্য সিকিউরিটি, গহনা, মোটরগাড়ী এবং স্থাবর সম্পতির যে মূল্য দিয়ে কিনেছিলেন তার উল্লেখ করতে...

Leave rules

 Leave Rules সাধারন নিয়মাবলী Leave rules ➡️ যে সমস্ত সরকারী কর্মচারী চাকরী থেকে dismiss বা remove করা হয়েছে , কিন্তু appeal বা revision এ পুনঃবহাল হয়েছেন তারা আগেকার চাকরীর ছুটি পাওয়ার যোগ্য। ➡️ কোনো সরকারী কর্মচারী যদি অন্য দপ্তরে আবেদন করেন (অন্য অফিস বা Department) সেই আবেদন যদি Through Proper Channel করা হয়ে থাকে তবে সেক্ষেত্রে তার পূর্ববর্তী service এর leave Count করা হবে। ➡️ ছুটি কর্মচারীর অধিকারের মধ্যে পাড়ে না। ➡️ ছুটি চলাকালীন কোনো কর্মচারীকে ছুটি থেকে Recall ও করা যেতে পারে ৷ ➡️ যে সব কর্মচারী medical Certiticate এ ছুটিতে আছেন তাকে join করার আগে Fitness Certificate দাখিল করতে হবে। ➡️ কোনো সরকারী কর্মচারী একটানা ৫ বছরের অধিক ছুটিতে থাকতে পারবে না ৷ ( R.34) ➡️ ইচ্ছাকৃত অনুপস্থিতির জন্য কর্মচারীর বিরুদ্ধে disciplinary action নেওয়া হতে পারে ৷ ➡️ বিশেষ কারণে কোনো ছুটিতে থাকা  কর্মচারীর ১৪ দিন পর্যন্ত retrospectively বর্ধিত করা হতে পারে। *A Government employee who is dismissed or removed form the public service, but is reinstated on appeal or revision is entitled ot count...

Casual leave and special Casual Leave

 Casual leave Rule  207 . A Government employee on casual leave is not treated as absent from duty and his pay during such leave is not interrupted. Casual leave shall not, however, be given so as to cause an evasion of the rules regarding (1) date of reckoning allowance - Rule 26; (ii) charge of office - Rule 28; or so as to extend the term of any leave beyond the time admissible by rule. (ii) commencement and end of leave - Rules 154, 158, 159 and 160; (iv) return to duty - Ditto; Appendix No. 10 Instructions regarding the grant of Casual Leave Note: 1. The Heads of Offices or the Heads of Departments when they themselves are the Head of Offices, may grant casual leave to the officers and staff under them, provided that where the question relates to the casual leave of the Head of the Office or the Head of the Department himself, sanction of the next higher authority to whom he is directly subordinate shall be obtained. The power to grant casual leave to subordinate officers...

Attendance at Offices for government employees

Attendance at Offices for government employees (West Bengal)   GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL Finance Department Audit Branch No. : 6994-F Kolkata, the 3rd July, 1992 MEMORANDUM Orders have been issued from time to time regarding punctuality in attendance of Government employees. In Finance Department No. 6470-F dated 28/05/87 it has been clearly stated that any employee coming more than 15 minutes after the scheduled time of attendance will be marked late. It has also been stated in the said memo that an employee may be allowed to sign the attendance register and record attendance within a maximum of 1 1/2 hours of the scheduled time of attendance. Any body coming thereafter will be marked absent. 1. In terms Notification No. 6959-F, Dt. 02/07/92 all offices under the Government of West Bengal with some exceptions shall remain closed on all Saturday and the hours of work (on working days) in such offices shall be from 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. with an interval of 30 minutes from 1.30 p.m. t...

Cashier and cashbook

Cashier & Cashbook  Maintenance of Cash Book  1. All monetary transactions should be entered in the cash book as soon as they occur   2. Cheque/ Draft should be considered as cash. The same should be entered in the cash book immediately after receipt of the same. Date of encashment of said cheque/ draft should be noted in the cash book. 3. Cash book should be closed and balanced each day. In no case any officer should continue transaction of his office without closing, balancing the cash book after the day's transaction. DDO should write himself the amount of closing balance in figure and word in the cash book in each day.  4. DDO should verify all entries in the cash book with original documents viz. receipt book counterfoil, bill register, cheque register, vouchers, payment receipts etc. and also totaling of cash book. DDO will initial against each entry of cash book on being satisfied about its correctness. 5. Balance of cash book should be analyzed daily...