GPF ( General Provident Fund)
💠গ্রুপ এ,বি, সি কর্মীদের ক্ষেত্রে জিপিএফ একাউন্ট মেনটেন করে এজি বেঙ্গল ও গ্রুপ-ডি কর্মীদের জিপিএফ মেনটেন করা হয় হেড অফিসে বা সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মীর সদর দপ্তরে।
👉G.P.F. A/c is maintained by A.G. W.B. for Gr. A. B and C employees. Head of office maintains the G.P.F. a/c. of Gr. D. Staff. Under G. 0. No. 12469-F Dt. 18.12.92. Gr. D contingency staff employed on whole time basis throughout the year and getting pay in regular time-scale plus allowances as admissible with incremental benefits may come under the purview of G.P.F. Rules.
👉 The existing system of maintaining G.P.F. A/C of Gr. D employees will not change merely on appointment/ admission to higher grade pay scale within the same category of Gr-D posts-until they change their status to higher posts belonging to Gr. C. categories.[ No. 11160 F dt. 29.6.88}
💠জিপিএফ সাবস্ক্রিপশন সমস্ত সমস্ত সরকারি কর্মচারী জন্য বাধ্যতামূলক এক বছর চাকরি পূর্ণ হলে জিপিএফ সাবস্ক্রিপশন শুরু হয়।
👉 Subscription to G.P.F. is compulsory and starts on completion of one year's service. Applications for subscription to G.P.F. from Gr. A, B & C employees will be forwarded by the Head of office to the A.G., W.B. prior to completion of one year's service for allotment of G.P.F. A/C No. Subscription will commence as soon as A/C. No. is allotted. In case of receipt of A/C No. after expiry of one year, one current and one arrear monthly subscription should be realised from pay.
👉For Gr. D employees, G.P.F. A/C No. will be given by the Head of office and subscription will commence in time.
💠সর্বনিম্ন 6 শতাংশ ও সর্বোচ্চ 100% পে এর জিপিএফ কাটানো যায়
👉Minimum and maximum rate of subscription is 6% and 100% of pay respectively.
💠পরিবার ও জিপিএফ
👉Family means-male/female subscriber, husband/wife children of the subscriber, widow or widows and children of a deceased son of the subscriber. A female subscriber may exclude her husband from family. [ Rule 2 (C) of G.P.F. Rules ]
💠বছরে একবার নির্ধারিত সময়ে জিপিএফ কতটা কাটাবেন তা দেওয়া যায় এবং এটি সারাবছর অপরিবর্তিত থাকে ৷ (বর্তমানে এই নিয়মের কিছু পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে ৷)
👉 Rate of subscription-once fixed by the subscriber shall remain unchanged during the course of the financial year. Any enhancement of emolument during middle of financial year will be considered for fixation of rate of subscription for the next financial year.[ Memo. No. 1969-F, dt. 24.2.39 & No. 4189-F dt. 13.5.95).
👉 Delegation of Financial Power Rules has no application in delegating the power of sanction- of advance/part-final withdrawal from G.P.F.[Memo. No. 12821-F dt 21.11.89]
💠অবসরের 3 মাস আগে জিপিএফ এর জন্য টাকা কাটা বন্ধ হয়ে যায় এবং 6 মাস পূর্বে কোন টেম্পোরারি অ্যাডভান্স গৃহীত হবে না
👉The Subscription towards GPF shall be stopped compulsorily three months before the date of retirement on superannuation as per GO No. 1991-F dt. 1.3.99 6.1 No temporary advance from G.P.F. should be allowed during last six months of service but non-refundable advance may be granted on A.G.'s authority.
👉যদি ছয় মাস আগের কোনো টেম্পোরারি এডভান্স থাকে তাহলে সে ক্ষেত্রে ইনস্টলমেন্ট এমনভাবে নির্ধারণ করতে হবে যাতে পুরো ঋণ 6 মাস পূর্বে পরিশোধ হয়ে যায়
💠When temporary advance is sanctioned prior to last six months of service, installments should be so fixed as to ensure full recovery before the aforesaid period of six months. [ No. 9233F dt. 24.3.81]
👉টেম্পোরারি অ্যাডভান্স নিম্নলিখিত ক্ষেত্রে দেওয়া হয়ে থাকে যেমন দীর্ঘস্থায়ী অসুস্থতার খরচ বহনের জন্য সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মচারী বা তার উপর নির্ভরশীল ব্যক্তি চিকিৎসার জন্য বা শিক্ষার জন্য বিদেশে যাওয়া এছাড়া বিবাহ, শ্রাদ্ধ বা অন্যান্য অনুষ্ঠানের জন্য ৷
Temporary Advance (R-15) may be granted :
i. To pay expenses incurred in connection with prolonged illness of the applicant or any person actually dependent on him/her.
ii. To pay the overseas passage for reasons of health or education of the applicant or his dependent.
iii. To pay obligatory expenses for marriage, funerals or other ceremonies. Provided that the actual dependency shall not apply in the case of a son or daughter of the subscriber.
Note-Advances under this sub-clause are also permissible for meeting expenditure of marriage or other ceremonies of the subscriber himself/herself.
iv. to meet the cost of higher education of the applicant himself or for any member of the family actually dependent on him for education in India whether for medical, engineering or other technical or specialised course after passing the final examination of (the Board of. Secondary Education, W.B. or other equivalent examination, provided that the course of study is for not less than three years .
🔆টেম্পোরারি অ্যাডভান্স তিন মাসের পে এর বা জিপি এফের যে ব্যালেন্স আছে তার অর্ধেকের বেশী হবেনা ৷
👉 The advance shall not, except for special reasons exceed three months' pay or half the amount at credit in the fund. Head of office is competent to sanction such advance.
👉 First advance means the advance taken for the first time or any advance taken subsequently after complete repayment of all previous advances.
👉 Advance for Special Reasons means advance in excess of three months pay or half the amount at credit or an advance before full repayment of the earlier advance.
🔆বিশেষ ক্ষেত্রে জিপিএফ এর 75% পর্যন্ত টেম্পোরারি এডভান্স পাওয়া যায় ৷
👉Advance for Special reasons may be granted upto 75% of the balance at credit of the subscriber.
🔆অগ্রিম সর্বোচ্চ 24 মাস বা তার পূর্ববর্তী সময়ে পরিশোধ করতে হবে অর্থ দপ্তরের অনুমোদনে সর্বোচ্চ চল্লিশটি কিস্তিতে শোধ করা যেতে পারে ৷
👉 Advance is to be recovered by a maximum of 24 monthly installments or less if desired by the subscriber. With the approval of Finance Deptt.repayment may be made in 40 installments.
💠ফেরত অযোগ্য অগ্রিম চাকরির কুড়ি বছর সম্পন্ন হওয়া বা অবসরের 10 বছরের মধ্যে যে কোনো সময় পাওয়া যেতে পারে
👉Non-Refundable Advance (Rules 15AS 15B as amended by No. 6116-F, dt. 23.12.65). may be sanctioned at any time after completion of twenty years of service or within ten years of retirement on superannuation for the following purposes :
(a) Meeting the cost of higher education overseas including the cost of journey for academic, technical, professional or vocational course beyond the High School stage and for any medical, engineering or other technical or professional course in India beyond the High School stage provided the course of study is not for less than three years.
(b) meeting the expenditure of marriage of son/daughter and actually dependent female relation.
(c) meeting the expenses of illness including travelling expenses of subscriber or his/her dependent.
(d) House-building purposes but not for repairs and reconstruction-subject to a ceiling of Rs. 6 lacs or 200 months pay whichever is less. [ No. 5953-F dt.8.6.95]
💠ফেরত অযোগ্য জিপি এফ এর সদ্ব্যবহার করেছেন তার সার্টিফিকেট নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে দাখিল করতে হবে
👉 Utilization certificate of non-refundable advance
must be submitted within a reasonable time. [ Rule 15B (2) ]
👉 Authorities competent to sanction advance :
In terms of G.O. No. 10959-F, dated 28.9.93 read with G.O. No. 12139 dt. 16.11.93 Head of office has been declared as one of the authorities to sanction temporary advances for special reasons under Rule15(1) (c) and non-refundable advances under rule15A and 15B of W.B.S. (G.P.F.) Rules to all Gr. A : including officers of constituted services in the W.B.C.S. Gr. B. & C. Officers/employees working under his control. Controlling Officer will be the sanctioning authority for Head of office. Head of office can sanction temporary G.P.F. advance to the W.B.A.A.S. Officers under rule 15(1).
👉Part-final withdrawal and sanction of advance for special reasons to W.B.A.A.S officers will be made by the Finance Deptt.[ No. 1552 F dt. 20.2.94 ]
🔆সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মচারীর হেড অফিস কর্মচারীর অবসরের 12 মাস আগে কোন নির্দিষ্ট কারণ ছাড়াই জিপিএফ এর 90% টাকা এককালীন হিসেবে তোলার অনুমতি দিতে পারে
👉 in terms of G.O. No. 11830, Dt. 6.11.93 Head of office
is competent to sanction at any time within twelve months before retirement on superannuation a one-time withdrawal of an amount not exceeding ninety per cent standing at the credit of the subscriber without assigning any reason. This facility shall be admissible only once. As per G.O. No. 13387-F dated 21.12.93, AG's authority for such sanction is not necessary as otherwise provided in G.O. No. 2133Fdt. 24.3.81 and No. 4201F dt. 21.4.82 for withdrawal during last six months of service.
However, no such withdrawal will be sanctioned after the final payment application in Form 10A has been sent to AG. A certificate reg : payment/non-payment of 90% must be furnished by the D.D.O./Head of office while forwarding the application to A.G. [ No. 7072F dt. 7.7.94 ]
👉Administrative Deptt., Head of Deptt., Supdt. Govt. Press. D. I.G. Police are competent authorities for sanction of such advance from the beginning.
👉 Arrears pay and allowances of ROPA 1998 were credited to GPF Account but to said amount could not be reckoned for the purpose of calculating admissible advance except in case of marriage of daughter or treatment involving cardio Thoracic Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Renal Transplant and malignant diseases of employee or dependant member of his family (GO No. 9797F dt. 25.10.2004)
👉 For employees on deputation/foreign service, the employee will deposit recovery/subscription to A.G.W.B. by cheque. Deposit may also be made by challan.
💠নমিনির জন্য দরখাস্ত নির্দিষ্ট ফর্মে করতে হয় ও এটি যে কোনো সময় পরিবর্তন করা যায়।
👉Nomination in prescribed from under first Schedule of G.P.F. Rules is to be sent to A.G.W.B. through Head of Office for Gr. A.B. and C. Nomination can be changed at any time.
💠গ্রুপ এ' বি' ও সি' কর্মীদের ক্ষেত্রে সর্বশেষ পেমেন্ট এজি বেঙ্গল দ্বারা করা হয় গ্রুপ-ডি কর্মীদের ক্ষেত্রে উক্ত পেমেন্ট হেড অফ দা অফিস করে থাকে
🔆Final payment to Gr. A.B. & C will be made by A.G.W.B ; to Gr. D by Head of Office. Group D. employee will apply in form VIIA and by the family of deceased Gr. D. employee in form VIIB.
👉Head of office and D.D.O. shall furnish essential certificates and other particulars to the A.G. W.B. while sending applications (in Form 10A) of Gr. A, B & C employees along with details of all temporary advances drawn during the period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of retirement,resignation, death etc. and also of non-refundable advances drawn during the period of 36 months preceding retirement, resignation, death etc. for early finalisation. Form 10B will be used by members of deceased employee. (G.O. No. 3813-Fdt. 24.4.91).
👉 Subscription to G.P.F. cannot be realised during extraordinary leave without pay.
🔆যদি কোন কর্মচারী নির্বাসিত বা সাসপেন্ড হয়ে থাকে তাহলে তার কোনো জিপিএফ কাটা হয় না যদি না সংশ্লিষ্ট কর্মচারী লিখিতভাবে আবেদন জানায়
👉 During suspension, subscription cannot be made unless the employee concerned permits in writing.
👉. For timely final payment, every year on the 1st January, a list of employees retiring within December of that year should be sent to AG with the following particulars : (!) Serial No. (2) Name of the Subscriber, (3) Designation with full address (4)
Head of A/s (under which pay bill is debited (5) P.F. A/c No. (6) Exhaustive list of the members of the family (7) Date of retirement/quitting the service.
👉Final payment to the eligible members of the family of an employee who has suddenly disappeared may be sanctioned against Indemnity Bond to be furnished by such members to the head of office to the effect that if the missing employee returns and claims his dues, they must refund the amount. Such application is to be made after one year of disappearance along with a police report that the employee could not be traced inspite of best effort.
[No. 10797 F dt. 15.11.94]
👉 AG's authority for final payment of G.P.F. money remains valid for six months.
👉 Bill for drawal of all kinds of GPF Advance/Final payment will be in TR. Form No. 54 under the head 8009-01-101-11 as per GO No. 10445(75)-F dt.15.12.2000.
✍️ গ্রুপ ডি কর্মীদের GPF সংক্রান্ত কিছু পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে ৷ গ্রুপ ডিকর্মীদের GPF ব্যালান্স HRMS ত্র আপডেট করতে বলা হয়েছে ৷
No: 734-F(J)W.B. Dated:- 28.02.2018.
Sub:-Change in control and management of General Provident Fund ofGroup D employees of the State At present, the General Provident Fund (GPF)Accounts of the State GovernmentEmployees of Group A, B and C are maintained by the Accountant General, West Bengal
and the General Provident Fund (GPF) Accounts of the Group D State Government Employees are maintained by their respective Head of Office. Since the General Provident
Fund (GPF) Accounts are not maintained on any online platform, status of the GPF Account, i.e. balance, outstanding loan, recovery, nominations etc are not available to
employees as well as the Head of Officeon real-time basis.
Since the rollout of IFMS across the State, the State Government has been
contemplating maintenance of the General Provident Fund (GPF)Accounts in IFMS under
the supervision of a centralised office to enhance the transparency and accuracy in management of GPF Accounts and to provide employees real time access to their GPF
Accounts. Therefore, to extend such facilities to Government employees of the State, a dedicated GPF module has been developed in IFMS.
Now, the Governor is pleased to decide the rollout of the said Online GPF module for the Group D State Government employees. Accordingly, as a prerequisite, the GPF balances of the employees are to be recorded in IFMSin the followingmanner:-
1. Opening Balance standing to the credit of the GPF Accounts of the Group D employees as on 01/04/2018 are to be entered online in GPF Module by the Head of Offices on the basis of manual GPF register maintained at their end. However,
opening balance as on 01/04/2018 may also be entered by the Group D employees themselves by using their own user credentials, i.e. the login IDjUnique ID and password created by them for ESS in IFMS Portal, on the basis of GPF Account Statement to be issued by respective Head of Officefor the financial year 2017-18.
2. The opening balances as on 01.04.2018 are to be entered only in respect of thoseGroup D employees who will be in service on or after 01.04.2018.
3. The balances entered as per Serial No.1 in whatever manner as above are to be approved by the respective Head of Office. GPF balances as on 01/04/2018 can be approved only by using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).
In case of not having a DSC at present, procurement and use of DSC will be guided by G.O. No 6138-F(Y) dated- 28/11/2016 read with G.O No.S209-F(Y) dated-
4. Once approved, the Head of Office shall arrange to send signed hard copies of thelist of employees for whom opening balance has been approved in the format as
given in Annexure I (to be generated from system) to the Director, Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal, Furta Bhavan, 2nd
Floor, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091. Annexure-I shall be accompanied by GPF Accounts Statements for the financial year 2017-18 for Group D employees in the format given in Annexure 11as to be prepared from manual records maintained by the Head of Office.
5. On receipt of Annexure I and 11from the Offices, Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal shall approve the balances on the basis of Annexure-I & Il. In case of any discrepancy in between Annexure I and Il, the balances may not be accepted and the Head of Offices shall have to re-initiate the process as stated in serial no. 1-4 above afresh for such employees.
6. The Head of Offices shall update the manual GPF registers of Group D employees within March, 2018 and issue the Accounts Statement to the Group D employees after crediting interest for the Financial Year 2017-18 within 09.04.2018.
7. The Head of Offices shall discontinue to maintain manual GPF register from 1st April, 2018. The manual register for maintenance of GPF Accounts of Group D employees' updated upto March, 2018 shall be permanently preserved in therespective Heads of Offices.
8. Claim for final payment of GPF money of the Group D employees arising due to retirement, resignation, death or otherwise on or after 01.04.2018 shall be made as per the authority to be issued by Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal against submission of online sanction in Form lOAflOB, as the case may be.
9. Henceforth, Unique Id generated in the Human Resource Management System (HRMS)shall be treated as the GPF Account Number for the Group D Employees and the Heads of Offices need not allot any separate GPF Account Number to the new entrants.
10. Approval of balances of all Group D employees by the Heads of Offices shall be completed within 20/04/2018 and the documents as mentioned in serial no. 4 shall be sent to the Directorate of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance,West Bengal within 27/04/2018 without fail.
11. The user manual for GPF module and registration of DSC is available under the'Guidelines'tab of the IFMS portal.
12. The Head of Office shall cease to maintain GPF Accounts of Group D employees
from the Financial Year 2018-19 and the Director of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal shall maintain the GPF Accounts for Group D employees with effect from Financial Year 2018-19. Director of Pension, Provident Fund and Group Insurance, West Bengal shall initiate necessary actions which arepre-requisite to such switchover with effect from 01/04/2018.
13. This order will take immediate effect and shall cover employees having HRMS unique Id only. Employees posted in deputation and not having unique Id in HRMS shall not be brought into the purview of this Online GPF module at present.
Maintenance of the GPF accounts in respect of the Group D employees posted in deputation shall continue to be maintained as per existing process until furtherorder.
14. Necessary amendments in 'The General ProvidentFund (West Bengal Services) Rules' will be made in due course.
👉G.0 NO 8912 F (J) Dt 01.11.12 তে কিছু সংশোধন করা হয়েছে যেমন-
➡️বছরে GP F দুবার বাড়ানো যাবে,
➡️একবার কমানো যাবে
➡️একবার বাড়ানো ও একবার কমানো যাব ৷
- (i) General Provident Fund (West Bengal Service).
- (ii)Contributory Provident Fund (West Bengal).
- (iii)Provident Funds maintained under the West Bengal Non-Government Educational Institutions and Local Authorities (CPFE) Act, 1983.
- (iv) Any other Provident Fund maintained under State Account with the approval of this Government.
©️সরকারী বন্ধু
Sarkari Bandhu
0daecanPigya Alexis Thomas