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N O C for Examination

N O C for Examination

👉 Public Service Commission এর পরীক্ষায় বসার জন্য বা কোনো পদে আবেদনের জন্য কোনো সরকারী চাকুরীজীবি দের Head of the office / Department এর Through Proper Channel বা Noc সহ আবেদন করতে হবে। এক্ষেত্রে সংশ্লিষ্ট প্রার্থী আবেদন এর সঙ্গে Noc সরাসরি Commission এ পাঠাতে পারেন।

 Government of West Bengal 

Finance Department

 Audit Branch

No.: 529-F      Dated Calcutta, the 19th January, 1995.

Subject : Procedure regarding submission of applications by those in Govt. Service for admission to various examinations/selections conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal.

Under the existing system for the purpose of appearing in different recruitment examinations conducted by the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, candidates serving under Govt., local or statutory bodies are required to submit their applications through their appointing authorities or to submit 'no objection certificate' from their appointing authorities.

2.  It has been brought to the notice of Govt. that very often the letters of permission of the appointing authorities in such cases do not reach the Commission's Office even after the finalization of results. The Commission is thus placed in an embarrassing position.

3. After careful consideration of the matter it has been decided, in order to remove the practical difficulties mentioned in para 2, that persons already in Government service, who wish to appear at a competitive examination conducted by the West Bengal Public Service Commission or wish to apply for a post, recruitment to which is proposed to be made by selection through the Public Service Commission, may submit their completed applications in the prescribed form direct to the Commission. They should however, immediately inform the Heads of their Offices/ Department giving details of the examination/ post for which they have applied, requesting them to communicate their permission to the Commission directly. In case no such communication is received from the Head of Office/ Department it shall be presumed by the Commission that there is no objection on the part of the employing Department to the candidature of the Govt. employee in question to be considered by the Commission.

4. The Administrative Departments are requested to bring those instructions to the notice of all concerned including attached and subordinate offices as well as public sector undertakings, local/ statutory bodies under their administrative control.

Sd/- S. Ghosh,

Deputy Secretary to the

 Government of West Bengal.


©️ Sarkari Bandhu

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