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Family pension for the Government employee who die in harness before completion one year of service


 Finance (Audit) Department 


 Hemanta Bhawan

 12. B.B.D.Bag (East) 


                                        Dated: Kolkata, the 20th July, 1995 



Family pension scheme for State Government Employees--- extension of benefit to families of Govt. employees who die in harness before completion of one year's service.

 In terms of clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of Rule 101 of the West Bengal Service (Death-cum-Retirement Benefit) Rules, 1971, the benefit of family pension is admissible to a Govt. employee rendering at least three years' qualifying service. This provision was liberalized in terms of F.D. Memo. No. 5625-F dated 27/07/81 to the effect that the said benefit will apply to Govt. employees rendering at least one year's qualifying service. 

1. Govt. Pensioner' Association for sometime past are requesting Govt. to further liberalize the provision to the effect that the benefit of family pension may be allowed in case a Govt. employee dies while in service after rendering less than one year's service as has already been provided by Govt. of India. 

2. The Governor has, therefore, now been pleased to decide that the benefit of family pension will also apply in case of a Govt. employee rendering less than one year's service provided he was medically examined and found fit for Govt. Service. 

3. Formal amendment of relevant rule will be made in due course.

 4. This order will take effect from the date of issue and shall not be applicable to the families of those Govt. servants who died before completion of one year's continuous service before the date of issue of this order. 


Deputy Secretary to the

 Government of West Bengal. 


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