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Married daughter eligible for job on compassionate ground

 Married daughter eligible for job on compassionate ground

Government of West Bengal  

Labour Department  

Writer’s Buildings, Kolkata – 1  

No.04-Emp. Dated, Kolkata, the 4th January, 2011

N O T I F I C A T I O N 

 In terms of the provision at para 2(2) of this Department Notification No.30-Emp.  Dated 02.04.2008 an unmarried daughter of the Government employee, who dies in  harness or retires prematurely on being declared permanently incapacitated for service,  may be considered as one of the dependants of the Government employee for the  purpose of appointment on compassionate ground. In course of dealing with such  cases, instances have come to the notice of the State Government that married  daughters who, at the time of death or premature retirement of the concerned  Government employee and also at the time of making application for the job, were  unmarried. The question of admissibility of such married daughters for a job on compassionate ground has been under consideration of the Government for sometime.  

2. After careful consideration of all relevant aspects, the Governor has been  pleased to order that a married daughter of the Government employee who, at the time  of death or premature retirement of the concerned Government employee, was  unmarried, shall be considered for appointment on compassionate ground in terms of  Labour Department Notifications No.30-Emp. Dated 02.04.2008 and No.114-Emp.  Dated 14.08.2008 subject to the condition that she submits an affidavit to the effect that  she will pass on one-third of the emoluments that she will receive as salary and other  benefits for the post that she will occupy to her paternal/maternal family.  

3. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance (Audit) Department U.O.  No.4549, Group-P (Service) dated 27.12.2010.  

 By order of the Governor  

 Dilip Rath  

 Additional Chief Secretary to the  

 Government of West Bengal 












[ 2 ]  

No.04/1(80)-Emp. Dated, Kolkata, the 4th January, 2011. 

 Copy forwarded for information and guidance to the :-  

1. P.S. to the Chief Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.  

2. Additional Chief Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal, __________________  _______________________________________________________________  

3. Principal Secretary/Secretary/Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal,  _______________________________________________________________  

4. Accountant General (A&E),West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata – 1. 

5. Commissioner,__________________________________________________

  6. District Magistrate, ________________________________________________  

7. Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office – I,  

81/2/2, Phears Lane, Kolkata 12.  

8. Pay & Accounts Officer, Kolkata Pay & Accounts Office-II,  

P – 1, Hyde Lane, Jawhar Buildlings, Kolkata – 73.  

9. Director of Treasuries & Accounts, West Bengal, 8, Lyons Range,  2nd & 3rd Floor, Kolkata – 700 001.  


 SpecialSecretary to the  
Government of West Bengal   



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