Casual leave
Rule 207. A Government employee on casual leave is not treated as absent from duty and his pay during such leave is not interrupted. Casual leave shall not, however, be given so as to cause an evasion of the rules regarding
(1) date of reckoning allowance - Rule 26; (ii) charge of office - Rule 28; or so as to extend the term of any leave beyond the time admissible by rule.
(ii) commencement and end of leave - Rules 154, 158, 159 and 160; (iv) return to duty - Ditto;
Appendix No. 10
Instructions regarding the grant of Casual Leave Note:
1. The Heads of Offices or the Heads of Departments when they themselves are the Head of Offices, may grant casual leave to the officers and staff under them, provided that where the question relates to the casual leave of the Head of the Office or the Head of the Department himself, sanction of the next higher authority to whom he is directly subordinate shall be obtained.
The power to grant casual leave to subordinate officers and staff may, at the discretion of the Heads of Offices or the Heads of Departments, as the case may be, be delegated by them to some other officers below them if deemed necessary for administrative convenience.
**1A. Half-a-day's casual leave or compensatory casual leave, if applied for by a Government employee, may be granted to him for the forenoon session or the afternoon session, as the case may be, in cases where a Government employee may have some urgent private work which does not require a fuil day's casual or compensatory casual leave. For the purpose of giant of halfa-day's casual or compensatory casual leave, the dividing line for both forenoon and afternoon sessions for the purpose should be 1-45 p.m., i.e., a person who takes half-a-day's casual leave/compensatory casual leave, for the forenoon session is required to attend office at 1-45 p.m., and a person who takes leave for afternoon sesssion may be allowed to leave office at 1-45 p.m. In offices which follow difíerent office hours, the dividing line for the grant of half-a-day's casual leave/compensatory casual leave shall be adjusted suitably by the respective Head of Office.
The privilege of taking half-a-day's casual leave/compensatory casual leave shall not be admissible
(a) on any day in which the office is not held for the full day: and (b) on any day on which a Government employee is permitted to attend office late or leave office early by any general order.
2. (a) Casual leave is not treated as absence from duty.
No substitutes in place of officers absent on such casual leave will be allowed. (b) The authority granting the leave should ensure as far as possible that public services do not suffer in any way from the absence of an officer on casual leave.
3. Casual leave granted in any one calendar year shall not exceed 14 days for all offices under the Government of West Bengal nor shall it entail absence of more than 7 consecutive days at a time including Sundays, holidays or weekly off days except for very special circumstances to be recorded in writing:
Provided that Sundays, holidays and weekly offs preceding, following, or falling within the period of casual leave shall not be counted as part of the casual leave.
4. (a) Casual leave should only be granted for adequate reasons and cannot be claimed as of right or allowed when the interests of public service forbid it.
(b) The concession of casual leave must not be converted into an unauthorised system of earned leave and grant of casual leave is subject to the condition specified in rule 207.
(c) An officer who takes casual leave when on tour is not entitled to draw daily allowance during such casual leave.
5. Every authority which grants casual leave shall cause a register of such leave to be maintained in the following form. The register should be regularly examined by Inspecting Officers.
Column 1. — Name and rank of officer.
Column 2. — Leave granted (a) From, (b) To.
Column 3. - Cause of absence.
Column 4. Address while on leave.
Column 5. — Initial of Head of Office.
Special Casual Leave
Appendix No. 11
Grant of Special Casual Leave for participation in sporting events, cultural activities and mountaineering expeditions
1. Sports Events: Special casual leave may be allowed to a Government employee for a period not exceeding 30 days only in any one calendar year (a) for participation in sporting events of national or international importance and (b) when the Government employee concerned is selected for such participation in respect of international sporting events by any National Sports Federation/ASsociation recognised by the All India Council of Sports and approved by the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The said limit of 30 days also includes the period of attending the coaching or training camps sponsored by the recognised organisation for a particular sporting event.
2. Cultural Activities: Government employees who participate in cultural activities, like dance, drama, music, poetic symposium, etc. of an all India or InterState character organised by or on behalf of the Central Secretariat Sports Control Board may be allowed special casual leave for a period not exceeding the overall limit of 30 days only in one calendar year. Special casual leave will not be admissible for practice or for participation in cultural activities organised locally.
3. Mountaineering Expeditions: Government employese participating in mountaineering expeditions may be granted special casual leave not exceeding 30 days in any one calendar year, subject to the following conditions: (a) that the expedition has the approval of the Indian Mountaineering Foundation; and
(b) there shall be no change in the overall limit of 30 days special casual leave for one calendar year for participation in sporting event of National or International importance.
The period of absence in excess of 30 days should be treated as regular leave of the kind admissible under the leave rules applicable to the person concerned. For this purpose Government employees may be permitted as a special case to combine special casual leave with regular leave.
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