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Eligibility of divorced/widowed daughter for family pension beyond 25 years of age till their remarriage/death


Eligibility of divorced/widowed daughter for family pension beyond 25 years of age till their remarriage/death.

বিবাহ বিচ্ছিন্ন / বিধবা কন্যাদের ২৫ বছর বয়েসের পরবর্তী থেকে পুনঃবিবাহ অথবা মৃত্যু পর্যন্ত ফ্যামিলি পেনসেশনের শর্তাবলী

সূত্রঃ 620 -F (Pen) dated 29.06.2006 অনুযায়ী বিবাহ বিচ্ছিন্ন / বিধবা কন্যাদের ২৫ বছর বয়েসের পরবর্তী থেকে পুনঃবিবাহ অথবা মৃত্যু পর্যন্ত ফ্যামিলি পেনসেশনের যোগ্য কিন্তু আবেদনকারীর মাসিক আয় অনধিক ২৬০০ টাকা হতে হবে৷

সূত্রঃ . 732- F (Pen) dated 12.11.2008 অনুসারে অনেক ক্ষেত্রে পুরাতন পেনসন কেসে সার্ভিস বুক / প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজপত্র পাওয়া না গেলে আবেদনকারীকে নিম্নলিখিত ডকুমেন্ট গুলি প্রদান করতে হবে - 

a) A proof of her identity e.g., copy of Voter Identity Card, Ration Card etc.

b) An income certificate from a Gazetted Officer of Central Government of a State

Government Officer belonging to Group-‘A’ service to the effect that she does not

have income of her own or has an income less than Rs. 2600/- per month and

that she is the widowed / divorced / unmarried daughter of the particular

Government employee/pensioner, as the case may be. In this regard Finance

Department Memo No. - 621-F(Pen) dated 18.07.2007 should also be taken into


c) Copy of Death Certificate of her deceased father or mother.

d) Copy of the Pension Payment Order of her father or mother.

e) Copy of Death Certificate of her deceased husband in case of widowed daughter.

f) Copy of Divorce Certificate issued by the Court of Law in case of divorced


g) Recent passport size photograph. Specimen signature, Annexure ‘A’ (for drawal of pension through Public Sector Banks) and descriptive Roll (4 copies each).

2. On receiving the application along with relevant documents, the Head of office shall

prepare the pension papers in prescribed form.

3. Head of office will then forward the family pension case complete in all respects,

along with the Service Book of the deceased Government employee with due sanction of

family pension in respect such daughter to the office of the Accountant General (A&E),West

Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Kolkata -1. However, before allowing family pension for life to

any such daughter the sanctioning authority shall satisfy himself about the genuinity of the

claimant. It should be ensured that there is no other recipient of family pension e.g. minor

son/ daughter, physically handicapped son / daughter in the family. In this regard Finance

Department Memo No.- 621-F(Pen) dated 18.07.2007, 432-F(Pen) dated 02.07.2008 and

574-F(Pen) dated 22.08.2008 should also be taken care of.

4. In cases where either Service Book are not available or any reference of the

Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal (i.e. Copy of the P.P.O. and /or previous

admissibility report etc.) is / are available, those cases may be submitted by the Pension

Sanctioning Authority to the Accountant General (A&E),West Bengal complete in all

respects along with copies of reference of Accountant General (A&E),West Bengal and

other documents mentioned in para 1, including due sanction of family pension in general

terms in favour of such daughter and a certificate to the effect that Service Book of the

concerned Government employee cannot be traced out in spite of through search and it is

certified that the case will not be submitted again in future.

5. In cases where either Service Book or reference No. of Accountant General (A&E), West

Bengal Office is not available, the head of Office may refer the case to its Administrative

Department. The Administrative Department may in such cases sanction minimum pension

provisionally, subject to genuinity of the claim, and the Head of Office will continue its

payment on the basis of that sanction till the Service Book / other relevant documents and

/or any reference of Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal Office is traced out. However

approval of Finance Department beyond every year as per existing provision in this regard is required to be obtained.

6. In case of widowed / divorced / unmarried daughter a certificate regarding her marital status is required to be submitted yearly to the Pension Disbursing Authority. The

income certificate in case of all the above three categories of family pensioners is required to be furnished to the Pension Disbursing Authority.

7. The Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, after receiving the family pension case will issue Pension Payment Order in respect of the daughter.

 সূত্রঃ 270 - F (Pen) dated 08.O9.20 21 অনুসারে আবদেন কারীর মাসিক আয় ৯০০০ টাকা করা হয়েছে।

সূত্রঃ 100 - F (Pen) dated 28.02.2022 অনুযায়ী উক্ত পেনসন কেস দ্রুত সমাধানের জন্য নিমলিখিত ডকুমেন্টগুলি প্রদান করার কথা বলা হয়েছে ৷

List of Necessary Documents for the approval of family pension in terms of Memo. No. 100-F(Pen) dated 28.02.2022

The following documents are required for sanction of Family Pension as per Finance Department Memo. No. 732-F(Pen) dt. 12.11.2008 & Memo. No.830-F(Pen) dt. 20.09,2010,

1) An original application of the claimant for family pension should be made on plain paper to apply to the Head of Office where her deceased father/ mother served at the time of retirement and duly authenticated by the Pension Sanctioning Authority. (Detailed postal address with mobile no is to be mentioned for communication, if necessary)

2) Original Annexure 'A' duly filled in (4 Copies), (in Kolkata Municipal area).

3) Four copies original Annexure-l duly filled in and countersigned by the P.S.A. (containing signature of two persons as witness and two attestations by competent authority). (Format enclosed)

4) Four copies original Annexure-ll duly filled in. (Format enclosed)

5) Four copies Passport size photographs duly attested, in four separate Sheets. (The attestation of the Photographs of the Claimant is required to be in such a manner that the signature of attesting officer with the sign should be affixed with the photographs.)

6) Four slips each bearing Three (3) Specimen Signature of the Claimant duly attested, in four separates Sheet.

7) Original Current (not older than six months) income certificate in favour of the Claimant with marital status from a Gazetted Officer Central or State Govt, belonging to Gr. 'A' service (other than concerned P.S.A/Head of Office/ any other officer of the respective Department/Directorate Office from where the concerned employee retired / deceased) in his own capacity/ responsibility to the effect and the name of the Ex- Govt. Employee along the relation between the Ex Govt. Employee and the Claimant must be mentioned in the certificate (Not to be used as per enquiry report of document/report/certificate etc. Full name.seal and official address with pin code of the officer who issued the income must be legible). (Format enclosed)

8) A certificate by the PSA/Head of Office to the effect that "there is no other recipient of family

pension of the deceased Govt., employee i.e. minor son / daughters, physically handicapped sons/daughters of the family" to claim family pension

9) List of family members of the deceased Govt., employee indicating their Date of Birth, sex, occupation, marital status duly authenticated by the authority other than P.S.A. (Format enclosed)

10) Original Service Book of the concerned Govt. Employee. If Service Book is not available a certificate by P.S.A./ Head of Office to the effect that "Service Book of the concerned Govt. Employee cannot be traced out in spite of thorough search and it is certified that the case will not be submitted again in future."

11) Attested copy of P.P.O. of deceased Govt. Employee. (If PPO is already issued in favour of Govt Employee)

12) Attested copy of death certificate of the deceased Govt employer duly certified by the Registrar Birth and Death

13) Attested copy of death certificate of spouse of deceased Govt employee duly certified by the Registrar, Birth and Death

14) Attested copy of age proof certificate of the Claimant (School Leaving/ Admit card of any recognised board or council/ Birth Certificate/ AADHAR/Passport/PAN etc

15) Attested copy of Address proof document of the Claimant. Le. Voter identity card, Ration card, AADHAR etc.

16) Artested copy of death certificate of deceased husband of the Claimant duly certified by the Registrar, Birth and Death (in case of Widow Daughter)

18) Attested copy of Divorce Certificate issued by the Court of Law. (in case of Divorced Daughter)

19) Name of the deceased husband of the Claimant duly certified by the PSA (in case of Widow Daughter)

20) An original affidavit made by the Claimant, before Ld. 1" Class Judicial Magistrate reg. Declaration family pension. (Copy enclosed) (Affidavit from Notary Public would not be accepted)



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