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Showing posts from October, 2022

Study Leave

    STUDY LEAVE ( Rule 197 of WBSR Part- I) Leave may be granted to Government employees on such terms as Government may by general order prescribe to enable them to study scientific. technical or similar problems or to undergo special courses of instruction. Such leave unless otherwise decided by Government, is not debited against the leave account. 1. Conditions for grant of study leave.-- (1) Subject to the conditions speci fied in this Appendix, study leave may be granted to a Government employee with due regard to the exigencies of public service to enable him to undergo, in or out of West Bengal/India, a special course of study consisting of higher studies of specialised training in a professional or a technical subject having a direct and close connection with the sphere of his duty. (2) Study leave may also be granted---  (i) for a course of training or study tour in which a Government employee may not attend a regular academic or semi-academic course if the course of training


  Resignation ইস্তাফা Rule 34A . (1) No Government employee shall, unless the Government otherwise directs, be permitted to resign if he fails to serve on his appointing authority due notice at least for - (a) in the case of a Government employee holding no lien or suspended lien on a permanent post under the Government, ..... one month; (b) in the case of a Government employee holding lien or suspended lien on a permanent post under the Government, three months. কোনো কর্মচারীর ইস্তাফা দেওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে স্থায়ী কর্মচারীকে (যদি না তিনি লিয়েন অথবা সাসপেনডেড লিয়েন এ থাকেন) একমাসের নোটিসে নিয়োগকারী  কর্তৃপক্ষকে জানাতে হবে ৷ যদি তিনি লিয়েন অথবা সাসপেনডেড লিয়েন এ থাকেন তাহলে সেক্ষেত্রে এই সময় সীমা তিন মাস ৷ Explanation. - In this rule and in rule 34B "Government employee" means a person appointed to a service or post in connection with the affairs of the State and remunerated otherwise than on a daily, weekly or fortnightly basis. (2) A Government employee who tenders resignation and