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ATM /Debit card facility for the pensioners

 ATM /Debit card facility for the pensioners

এখন থেকে পেনসনারদের ও মিলবে এটিম বা ডেবিট কার্ডের সুবিধা ৷

Government of West Bengal

Finance Department

Audit Branch, Group T

Nabanna, Howrah - 711 102

(E —285670)

No:120-F(Y)                   Dated. 13th January,2022 


        As per existing Pension Rules of the Govt. of West Bengal, the Pensioners and the Family Pensioners of the State Govt. can withdraw pension from their pension accounts maintained with respective banks by cheque or withdrawal slips issued by those banks. Facilities of withdrawal of pension by using ATM/Debit Card or through Net Banking portal of the pension disbursing banks are not allowed.
          However, the matter of providing facilities of withdrawal of pensions by using ATM/Debit Card or through Net Banking portal of the pension disbursing banks to the Pensioners and Family 'Pensioners of the State Government, especially under the prevailing pandemic situation, was under active consideration of the Government.
          Now the Governor has been pleased to order that, henceforth Pensioners and Family  Pensioners of the State Government, drawing their pensions from the accounts maintained with ' the banks mentioned in the Annexure ‘A’ attached herewith, will be able to draw their pensions from the respective pension disbursing banks by using the facilities of ATM/Debit Card or through Net Banking portal of the bank.
              Availing the facilities of ATM/Debit Card or Net Banking for withdrawal of pension/family pension, will be at the discretion of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners concerned. Those who want to avail themselves of ATM/Debit Card or Net Banking facilities will have to opt accordingly and have to apply to the concerned banks maintaining their pension accounts and will also have to ' provide their mobile phone numbers to the banks. Banks will not offer electronic transfer facilities like use of ATM/Debit Card and Net Banking for withdrawal of pension/family pension to the pensioners/family pensioners who fail to provide their mobile phone numbers to the pension disbursing banks.  

             Governor is further pleased to order that, dispute arising out of un-authorised use of the ' , facilities of ATM/Debit Cards or Net Banking by the pensioners and fixation of liability thereof shall be guided by RBI's Circular issued in this regard from time to time. Relevant provisions of WBTR — 2005 will be modified accordingly.

           This order will take immediate effect.

Sd/- Manoj Pant, IAS
Principal Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal


List of banks allowing ATM/Debit Card or Net Banking facilities to pensioners/family pensioners for withdrawal of pension/family pension

 1) Bank of Baroda 

2) Central Bank of India 

3) Indian Oversea Bank 

4) UCO Bank 

5) Union Bank of India. 

6) State Bank of India 

7) Indian Bank 

8) Canara Bank

9) Punjab National Bank. 


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