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Medical Fitness during recruitment

Medical Fitness during recruitment

as per West Bengal Service Rules ( WBSR)

Appointment on medical certificate of fitness

Rule 10. Subject to the provisions of rule 11 and of any special rules regulating his recruitment, no person shall be appointed to a post in Government service with out a medical certificate of fitness. 

Medical certificate of fitness

Rule 11. The following classes of Government employees are exempted from 

producing a medical certificate of fitness as required under rule 10 

(a) A person not in permanent employ appointed temporarily for a period of less than six months: 

Provided that if the temporary appointment for less than six months is 

subsequently extended or islikely to be extended beyond six months, 

the person concerned shall be required to furnish the requisite certificate 

of fitness before the expiry of six months from the date of his first ap- 


(b) A temporary Government employee who has once been medically ex- 

amined either under rule 10 and under sub-rule (a) of this rule, if---

(i) transferred subsequently, without any break in service, to hold, ei- 

ther on an officiating or on a temporary basis, a post in another 

office or cadre; or 

(ii) appointed substantively, whether on probition or otherwise, to a per 

manent post under Government, provided that it shall always be 

open to the appointing authority to insist on a subsequent medical 

examination, prior to confirmation, if he so deems necessary. 

(c) A Government employee already appointed substantively, whether on 

probation or otherwise, to a permanent post in Government service on 

the production of a medical certificate of fitness under rule 10, if pro- 

moted or transferred to another post in Government service; and

(d) A retired Government employee re-employed after retirement. 


1. "Temporary appointment" as used in sub-rule (a) of this rule refers not merely to service rendered in temporary posts but also to officiating appointments in or against permanent posts. Such service may be either the same or in different posts provided there is no break.

2. A person not in permanent employ, if transferred to another office whether on a substantive or on an officiating or temporary basis, shall obtain from the Head of the office from which he is transferred, a certificate showing the period of his continuous service from the date of his first appointment under Government and whether the requisite medical certificate of fitness had already been produced.

3. It is not necessary to affix the medical certificate of fitness obtained under rule 10 or under rule 11 to the first pay bill of a Government employee. A certificate to the effect that the medical certificate in the prescribed form has been obtained in respect of the Government employee shall however, be furnished to Audit along with the first pay bill of the Government employee. The procedure for furnishing this certificate in respect of Group A and Groups B, C and D officers shall be as follows:

(1) in respect of a Group A officer, a certificate furnished by the competent authority to whom the medical certificate has been submitted shall be attached to the first pay bill,

(ii) in respect of a Group B, C or D officer, the drawing and disbursing officer shall furnish such certificate along with the first pay bill of the Government employee concerned.'

1. Notification No.131F., dated 16th January, 1967.

Rule 12. The production of a medical certificate of fitness is necessary when-

(a) a Government employee is promoted from non-qualifying service paid from a local fund to a post in superior Government service;

 (b)a person is re-employed after resignation, or forfeiture of past service. Note:

When a person is re-employed in circumstances other than those referred to in clause (b), the appointing authority shall decide whether a medical certificate should be produced.

Rule 13. Except as otherwise provided by rule, the medical certificate of fitness referred to in this chapter shall be in the following form:

"I hereby certify that I have examined A.B., a candidate for employment in the....................... Department, and cannot discover that....................... has any disease, (communicable or otherwise) constitutional weakness or bodily infirmity, except............. I do not consider this a disqualification for employment in the office of ................A. B.'s age is according to his own statement years, and by appearance about................... years."

Rule 14. Except as otherwise provided by rule, the certificate referred to in rule 13 shall be obtained---

(a) in the case of a candidate for employment in a Group ‘A’ post, from the Medical Committee to be assembled under the orders of the Administrative Medical Officer of the State; and

(b) in other cases-----

(i) in districts, from the District Medical Officers or such other medical officers below the District Medical Officers as Government may, by order, so prescribe; and

(ii) in Calcutta, from the Presidency Surgeons as are specially authorised to grant such certificates:

Provided that in the case of a candidate to be appointed to a post in Group D service, the appointing authority may accept a certificate signed by a registered medical practitioner.


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