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Obligation to stay at headquarters

 Obligation to stay at headquarters

Definition of Headquarters

 Rule 29. The headquarters of a Government employee shall be in such place as the Head of a Department may prescribe and are in the absence of any orders to the contrary, the station where the records of his office are kept.

Note: 2. Deputy Inspector-General of Police may change the headquarters of Government employees under them provided that such changes are temporary and that the Inspector-General of Police is informed.

Obligation to stay at headquarters.

Rule 29A. A Government employee should ordinarily reside at the Headquarters of the Station to which he is for the time being posted. He may, however, be permitted by the head of his office, for sufficient reasons, such as difficulties in securing accommodation at headquarters and for other good reasons, to reside outside his headquarters, provided that his normal official duties do not suffer thereby. In such cases, however, the Government employee, concerned shall intimate in writing his place of residence to the head of his office, who may however, require him to stay at his headquarters at any time and for any period if it is considered necessary in public interest."

   Ref : 1. Notification No. 2804F., dated 5th August, 1969.

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